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单词 oscillate
释义  Related topics: Electrical, Electricityos·cil·late /ˈɒsəleɪt $ ˈɑː-/ verb [intransitive]  1  formalTMOVE/CHANGE POSITION to keep changing between two extreme amounts or limits 〔在数量或限度之间剧烈地〕波动,摇摆,变化 The stock market is oscillating wildly at the moment. 股票市场现在正急剧波动。oscillate between His income oscillated between £1,500 and £2,000 a month. 他的月收入在1,500到2,000英镑之间浮动。2  formalCHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHER to keep changing between one feeling or attitude and another 〔情感或态度〕摇摆不定,踌躇oscillate between Her attitude towards me oscillated between friendship and hostility. 她对我的态度时而友好,时而敌对。3  to move backwards and forwards in a regular way 〔前后有规律地〕来回摆动 The needle on the dial began to oscillate. 仪表盘上的指针开始来回摆动。4. technicalTEEHPE if an electric current oscillates, it changes direction very regularly and very frequently 〔电流〕振荡→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoscillate• There is a vertical line in spirituality that goes from the beast to the angel, and on which we oscillate.• Ah, yes: Maxwell showed that oscillating an electric charge is just the mechanism that causes light waves to be produced.• an oscillating fan• Only if neutrinos do have some mass, however small, can they oscillate from one type to another.• I kept oscillating from too far forward to too far back.• Compressed air oscillates the ventricles, circulating blood around the body.• For several days the stock market oscillated wildly.• A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.From Longman Business Dictionaryoscillateos‧cil‧late /ˈɒsəleɪtˈɑː-/ verb [intransitive] to move regularly between two limits or statesThe trade balance used to oscillate between surplus and deficit. —oscillation noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableOrigin oscillate (1700-1800) Latin past participle of oscillare “to swing”, from oscillum “swing”os·cil·late verbChineseSyllable  keep to Corpus between or limits two changing amounts Business extreme




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