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单词 right-handed
释义  Related topics: Humanˌright-ˈhanded ●●○ adjective  HBHa right-handed person uses their right hand for writing, throwing etc 惯用右手的 OPP left-handedExamples from the Corpusright-handed• You can conceive of globular protein molecules folding from chains of left- and right-handed amino acids but not helical protein molecules.• Fine if you're right-handed but then, not everyone is.• He has been described as a right-handed David Gower.• Busch, hoping to make the 25-man roster as a right-handed hitter, is batting. 333.• Or that wicked sidearm delivery that turned right-handed hitters who liked to dive into pitches into paratroopers.• I have already mentioned that right-handed pilots seem to have a natural tendency to turn left.• The only one with no questions about the right-handed pitcher was Nomo himself.• right-handed scissorsˌright-ˈhanded adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus a uses writing, throwing right-handed hand their right person for




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