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单词 rift
释义  Related topics: Nature, Geologyrift /rɪft/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  DISAGREEa situation in which two people or groups have had a serious disagreement and begun to dislike and not trust each other 分歧,嫌隙,裂痕 SYN splitrift between/with Party officials have denied that there is any rift between ministers. 政党官员否认部长之间存在不和。rift over Today’s announcement could lead to a further rift over public spending. 今天的公告有可能导致公共开支方面的更大分歧。 He set out to heal the rifts in the party. 他着手弥合党内的裂痕。2. DNa crack or narrow opening in a large mass of rock, cloud etc 〔岩石、云等的〕裂缝,裂口,缝隙Examples from the Corpusrift• Care should be taken when dealing with loved ones as a rift could form if you are too argumentative.• The family arguments finally caused a rift between the mother and daughter that has not yet healed.• Crucially, a rift developed between a local strike leadership and the trade union's national officials.• Viacom employees said they were surprised because they had no clues of any rift between Redstone and his top lieutenant.• Joe's marriage caused a huge rift in the family.• It took a good five years for the rift within the party to mend.• The only preventive measure researchers can take is to concentrate on what is triggering quakes on the rifts that are turned on.• He will not entertain questions about his 25-year rift with Dean Martin, who died recently.rift between/with• Viacom employees said they were surprised because they had no clues of any rift between Redstone and his top lieutenant.• There is a great rift between us now.• Strickland has wanted out since last season, when his rift with Carlesimo began.• Hodge lamented the rift between the military government and the rightists after their earlier cooperation.• The rift between conventional and complementary medicine has had many harmful effects.• The rift between the two men was particularly painful since they had been so close at first.• The rift between them is now so bitter, it is believed they will take the final step as soon as possible.• He will not entertain questions about his 25-year rift with Dean Martin, who died recently.Origin rift (1300-1400) From a Scandinavian languagerift nounChinese  people Corpus or two a in which situation




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