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单词 reverie
释义  rev·e·rie /ˈrevəri/ noun [countable, uncountable]  DREAMa state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things, that is like dreaming 幻想,白日梦 → daydream She was startled out of her reverie by a loud crash. 哗啦一声巨响把她从幻想中惊醒。Examples from the Corpusreverie• In those early days of the war, the Continental Palace Hotel was still locked in a colonial reverie.• With a contented sigh, he lost himself in a colourful reverie of big business deals and boardroom power games.• She was startled out of her reverie by a ring on the door-bell.• Wiping his mind clean of all extraneous thoughts, he concentrated on his reveries.• He lay near sleep, falling into reverie, the powerful world of Oswald-hero, guns flashing in the dark.• Sometimes he would drift off into reverie, and gaze out of the window for hours.• The doorbell rang, shaking me from my reverie.• Auntie interrupted my reveries.• As the train slid slowly into Asansol station, Brother Mariadas, suddenly wide awake, shook me out of my reverie.• Valence also smiled, though his was a pensive smile, a smile of reverie.• If painful reveries of any kind had once overwhelmed him, they did so no longer.Origin reverie (1600-1700) French rêverie, from Old French rever “to wander, dream”rev·e·rie nounChineseSyllable  imagining that about or thinking pleasant a things, of state Corpus




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