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单词 reuse
释义 Word family  noun usage use disuse misuse reuse usefulness ≠ uselessness user adjective reusable used ≠ unused disused useful ≠ useless usable ≠ unusable verb use misuse reuse adverb usefully ≠ uselessly  re·use /ˌriːˈjuːz/ verb [transitive]  USE somethingto use something again 再使用,重复使用 The bottles are designed to be reused up to 20 times. 这些瓶子最多可供重复使用20次。 —reusable adjective reusable containers 可重复使用的容器 —reuse /ˌriːˈjuːs/ noun [uncountable] to purify water for reuse 把水净化后重复使用→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusreuse• Sterilized needles for taking blood are never reused.• His power dams were also running day and night, spilling water into the ocean before it could be reused.• Certainly we know from Pope Gregory's instructions that temples existed and were reused by the Christians.• Buss believes his project is the right way to reinvigorate a neighborhood, by reusing existing buildings.• Of course, it helps that the actual La Jolla gallery space was reused from the earlier design.• Never reuse old remedy bottles or envelopes for a different remedy or potency.• The supermarket encourages shoppers to reuse plastic bags.• I keep all my drawings and quite often reuse them years later.• With downsizing and consolidation all the rage, owners are left with empty spaces and few choices in reusing·use verbChineseSyllable  use again something to Corpus




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