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单词 retch
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilityretch /retʃ/ verb [intransitive]  MISICK/VOMITto try to vomit 干呕,恶心 SYN gag The smell made her retch. 这个气味让她恶心。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusretch• The smell from the creek was enough to make you retch.• Fourth Aunt listened with alarm to the sound of the middle-aged woman retching.• I followed one up the motorway just yesterday and it was all I could do to not retch.• I took off my jacket, laid it on the bed, walked to the bucket, and retched.• He felt his stomach heave and he retched against the wall.• Everyone saw him slide suddenly from his horse and bend, retching and whistling, into the grass.• He wants to retch but he does not want to make a sound.• Only fear kept him from retching when he had taken a long drink.• Nausea of vomiting or retching with great anxiety.Origin retch Old English hræcanretch verbChinese  try to Corpus to vomit




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