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单词 restrained
释义 Word family  noun restraint adjective restrained ≠ unrestrained verb restrain  Related topics: Visual, Coloursre·strained /rɪˈstreɪnd/ adjective  1  CONTROLbehaviour that is restrained is calm and controlled 〔行为〕克制的,有节制的 a restrained and cool-headed response to their criticisms 对他们的批评作出的克制及冷静的回应2  AVCCnot too brightly coloured or decorated 〔颜色、装饰〕淡雅的,朴素的 The interior decoration is quite restrained. 室内装饰颇为素雅。Examples from the Corpusrestrained• Did that make its currency, economy, inflation rate or fiscal policy more restrained and more problematic?• In contrast with the restrained, clipped hautecouture shots of the Fifties, Bailey's pictures generated boldness, brashness, sexuality.• The room was painted in light, restrained colors.• There is brash capitalism on show, which is unusual in such a restrained, discreet society.• The official response was restrained, even though strikes were technically outlawed by security legislation passed in 1979.• Ernest Newton was a quiet and restrained product of the artistic circle within which he worked.• She replied in a low, restrained voice.• None the less, sales promotion was, in the early years of shortages, pursued in a restrained·strained adjectiveChineseSyllable  and behaviour Corpus is controlled that restrained calm is




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