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单词 resonant
释义  Related topics: Colours & sounds, Material & textilesres·o·nant /ˈrezənənt/ adjective  1  Ca resonant sound is deep, loud, and clear, and continues for a long time 〔声音〕洪亮的,回荡的 the violin’s smooth, resonant tone 小提琴圆润悠扬的音色2  resonant with something literaryC filled with a particular meaning, quality, or sound 充满着某物,洋溢着某物 prints resonant with traditions of Russian folk art 充分体现俄罗斯民间艺术传统的版画3. technicalTIMC resonant materials increase any sound produced inside them 共鸣的,共振的 —resonantly adverbExamples from the Corpusresonant• At times he attracted attention by making statements that were deliberately resonant.• The voice was metallic and resonant.• "Listen, " Toranaga interrupted in his resonant, commanding voice.• This resonant condition permitted Mariner 10 to fly by Mercury at close range at the times of alternate perihelion passages.• The reflected signal is studied as a function of frequency and the resonant frequency, together with higher orders, is then measured.• Something about that bag was wrong, or at least resonant of something wrong, but he couldn't imagine what.• It has risen to a high, resonant pitch, emerging from his nose.• Billy's voice had a deep, resonant tone that was a pleasure to hear.• the baritone's resonant voice• The accusing voice was changing, assuming a different timbre, resonant with menace.res·o·nant adjectiveChineseSyllable  sound clear, is Corpus and loud, deep, a resonant and




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