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单词 resonance
释义  Related topics: Colours & sounds, Physicsres·o·nance /ˈrezənəns/ noun  1. [uncountable]C the resonance of a sound is its quality of being deep and loud and continuing for a long time 嘹亮,洪亮2  [countable, uncountable] formalMEANING the special meaning or importance that something has for you because it relates to your own experiences 〔因与亲身经历有关而产生的〕共鸣 a tradition that has little resonance in the 21st century 在21世纪难以引起共鸣的传统 His words will have resonance for many musicians. 他的话将在很多音乐家心里产生共鸣。3. [countable, uncountable] technicalCHP sound that is produced or increased in one object by sound waves from another object 共鸣,共振Examples from the Corpusresonance• It was interesting to note a complete change in the timbre and resonance when the bird moved to another song-perch.• The movie had a special emotional resonance for me.• When the last resonances of the symphony had died, all that was left was an electronic whine.• Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, are central figures in a Gospel story with particular resonance for Catholic women.• It had a certain peaty resonance.• the powerful resonance of Jessie's voice• Though it no longer has the same resonance, it remains an important criterion.has ... resonance• The right to dress as one chooses is one of those perks that seems minor but has great resonance.• And, unlike a lot of recent period movies, Ridicule certainly has resonance in our time.• Though it no longer has the same resonance, it remains an important criterion.• Celtic music has a resonance, a tradition that somehow speaks to people of all nationalities.• Only that which is precise has resonance, he wrote.res·o·nance nounChineseSyllable   Corpus sound being is of quality resonance the of its a




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