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单词 reserved
释义  re·served /rɪˈzɜːvd $ -ɜːr-/ ●○○ adjective  SHYunwilling to express your emotions or talk about your problems 寡言的;含蓄的;内敛的 → shy Ellen was a shy, reserved girl. 埃伦是个腼腆、寡言的姑娘。► see thesaurus at shyExamples from the Corpusreserved• English people have a reputation for being very reserved.• He was particularly reserved around women.• The virgin is the reserved figure who does not define herself in terms of her relationships with men.• Somewhat reserved, he none the less had a marked sense of humour.• A graceful and reserved man, he lacked fluency in his speeches and was not a natural politician.• Neighbours describe him as a reserved man who didn't mix much.• Are you cautious and reserved, or adventurous and uninhibited?• reserved parking spaces• They are very reserved people, the English. It takes some time to get to know them.• When he married her, she was a reserved, very plain girl who played the harp in a provincial symphony orchestra.• That shy reserved young man had turned into a confident·served adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus unwilling talk or your emotions your about to problems express




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