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单词 remote control
释义  Related topics: Technology, Household, Electrical, Computersreˌmote conˈtrol ●○○ noun  1. [countable]TDH a thing you use for controlling a piece of electrical or electronic equipment without having to touch it, for example for turning a television on or off 遥控器 SYN zapper →4  See picture on 见图 Page A1 Bedroom 卧室2  [uncountable]TEE the process of controlling equipment from a distance, using radio or electronic signals 〔用无线电或电子信号的〕遥控 a missile guided by remote control 遥控制导导弹3. [uncountable] a type of computer software that lets you use a particular computer by connecting it to another one that is far away 远程控制软件 —remote-controlled adjectiveExamples from the Corpusremote control• The device in the attaché case would be activated by remote control from inside the limousine.• Richmond and his partner, Agent Tom McWilliams, can operate the machines from a half-mile away by remote control.• The bomb is guided by remote control.• The handset looks like an elongated remote control and weighs only 1 pound.• Specification is high - remote control central locking and electric windows.• Batut, whose work predates radio remote control, triggered his shutter by the use of slow burning fuse.• He had the remote control in his hand and he was channel-hopping, listlessly.reˌmote conˈtrol nounChineseSyllable  thing use you for a controlling Corpus




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