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单词 remaining
释义 Word family  noun the remainder remainder remains adjective remaining verb remain  re·main·ing /rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective [only before noun]  REMAIN/BE LEFTthe remaining people or things are those that are left when the others have gone, been used, or been dealt with 留下的;剩余的;其余的 The few remaining guests were in the kitchen. 留下没走的几位客人都在厨房里。 Add the remaining ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes. 加入余下的原料,用文火炖30分钟。 The only remaining question is whether we can raise the money. 剩下的唯一问题是我们能否筹到这笔钱。Examples from the Corpusremaining• This priming often has to last the entire remaining 51 weeks.• the Navy's one remaining aircraft-carrier• Similar ideas for features, visits and events could be thought up for the remaining areas.• The remaining black bears are at risk from development in the area.• Add the shallots or salad onions to the remaining butter in the pan and cook until just soft.• One remaining couple carried on dancing.• Add all the remaining ingredients and bring to the boil.• Combine the remaining ingredients, mixing well.• Stir the flour into the remaining juices and cook slowly until well browned, stirring all the time.• Briefly heat a quarter of mayonnaise with spice, then add remaining mayonnaise, chutney and juice.• Six candles went out the first time, the remaining three the second time.• The remaining two items may be chosen from the cards in Warhammer Battle·main·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  those Corpus are people or things the remaining




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