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单词 Cassette
1 Is that cassette still obtainable?
2 He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
3 He inserted a cassette into the machine.
4 Put another cassette in the cassette recorder.
5 I swapped him my CD for his cassette.
6 A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
7 Now available on cassette or CD!
8 She put on a U2 cassette.
9 A cassette/radio is included at no extra cost .
10 He was enthusing about his new pocket cassette recorder.
11 Your tape deck has chewed up my cassette!
12 The book, complete with cassette,[] costs £35.
13 This recording is available on disc or cassette.
14 I've got it on cassette.
15 Mary slotted a cassette into the VCR.
16 I think I've broken your cassette recorder.
17 Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs.
18 The cassette player's chewed the tape up again.
19 He slotted a cassette into the VCR.
20 I think I've broken your cassette player.
21 The new album is available on vinyl, cassette, or compact disc.
22 Put a new cassette in the cassette recorder to see whether it works normally.
23 Walt and I referred to a video cassette of the original footage to check continuity and lighting.
24 I rewound the cassette and played her voice back to her.
25 There is a little window in the cassette case so that you can see the tape.
26 Do the lights on this cassette deck have any useful function or are they just/only for show?
27 His two albums released on cassette have sold more than 10 million copies.
28 Each pack contains a book and accompa - nying cassette.
29 The car is a basic model with no frills such as a cassette player or sunshine roof.
30 With this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck all in one.
1 Is that cassette still obtainable?
2 He inserted the cassette and pressed the 'play' button.
3 He inserted a cassette into the machine.
4 Put another cassette in the cassette recorder.
5 I swapped him my CD for his cassette.
6 A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound back from tape.
7 Each pack contains a book and accompa - nying cassette.
8 The car is a basic model with no frills such as a cassette player or sunshine roof.
31 And a cassette deck crooning the blues and Bach.
32 Cassette tapes have a magnetic oxide coating.
33 All the songs are recorded on the cassette.
34 Cassette contains 42 short listening passages.
35 The price, which includes an audio cassette, is £28.
36 Somehow the magnets had erased the entire cassette.
37 The legal pads and cassette tapes are every-where.
38 I've got a small cassette.
39 Please record thoughts on cassette if you prefer.
40 This is slower than an audio cassette recording.
41 Cassette, containing the listening practice material in the Workbook.
42 Cassette: the original cassette, unchanged from the previous edition.
43 Whacks a tape into the cassette recorder.
44 You may want to install a few luxuries like a portable television, radio / cassette player or a telephone extension.
45 As she pulled out the last tenacious staple, a cassette tape fell out into her lap.
46 Fit a plain glass or polaroid filter over the lens Load the cassette into the camcorder in dust-free conditions.
47 Other seminars concentrated on media skills such as poster-making, writing, drama, audio cassette production and the use of newsletters.
48 Technically, in the field all material is recorded electromagnetically on cassette tapes.
49 As far as minimum requirements go, you will need to take at least one blank video cassette with you.
50 With the fully charged battery in place, you are now ready to load a tape cassette, following the instructions.
51 Last year one Middlesex student became the first to submit a postgraduate thesis as a video cassette tape.
52 The ideal would be to have the soundtrack on an audio cassette.
53 The best part of the magazine is the wide-ranging review pages of cassette compilations, demos, flexi discs and singles.
54 Wilmot, of Waterloo, Liverpool, is jointly accused with another man of stealing a radio cassette player from a car.
55 She didn't find it, but buried right down at the bottom she did find a tape cassette in a box.
56 They keep a video cassette player nearby for just such an eventuality.
57 She put a tape in the cassette player but didn't hear the music.
58 Optional accessories include a car battery adaptor, car stereo cassette adaptor and car mount kit.
59 With a fully-charged battery in place, the blank cassette can be loaded for recording.
60 Anyone with a home cassette player can testify to the questionable long-term durability of tape recordings.
61 Gao Ma kept a smal cassette player in his pocket, listening to it with earphones.
62 He could see it now, tucked up in a cassette case.
63 It was very much later that evening when she remembered the cassette.
64 Griner uses it for dubbing recorded music and transferring certain selections to cassette tapes.
65 It has a kind of cassette tape that stores the data from your hard drive.
66 A display at the top of the dashboard tells you what you have selected: radio, cassette, compact disc.
67 Each compact disc, cassette or record has been carefully chosen for the quality of its musical content and its recording.
68 The company which produces the pain control cassette also produces a tape to help relieve anxiety.
69 This involves using cassette players to re-record commercially produced recordings on to tape.
70 Dialogues, drills, pronunciation exercises on cassette. each unit introduces a situation on which various kinds of language practice are based.
71 Simon Jay had his briefcase and cassette radio stolen from his car this morning.
72 Assemble edits are made much easier if the camera-originals are all shot on one cassette.
73 Vic selects a cassette and slots it into the four-speaker stereo system.
74 Lively recordings of a selection of readers from each level are available on cassette.
75 The lights were still on,[Sentencedict] and a cassette was clicking in a tape deck.
76 Inside the home were pirate videos, hundreds of blank cassettes and cassette casings, they said.
77 A 46-minute audio cassette tape on Middlesbrough's promotion-winning season will be launched in Cleveland Centre on Saturday.
78 The code "ZZ35" on this cassette means it was imported from Europe.
79 Earlier this year, I set my cassette recorder to tape Bach's Magnificat in D from an original recording.
80 This converts the image into electronic signals which are passed to the recorder section containing the cassette housing and tape transport mechanisms.
81 It has a serious graphic equaliser, full logic cassette deck and an all-singing all-dancing spectrum analyser.
82 Remember that you can always put on a cassette and get a bit of dancing going informally.
83 Osmone I is available as a small impregnated cassette which lasts for six months.
84 We have already narrowed the field significantly by looking at cassette formats.
85 Many of the texts are recorded on the accompanying cassette.
86 A Ford Capri was found burned out on the A171 near Guisborough after thieves removed the radio and cassette player.
87 A voice message on a cassette with no context to support it can not be complete as a record. 5.2.4.
88 The book is based on a diary which Professor Hull kept on cassette.
89 There was muzak echoing from cheap speakers, generated from a cassette somewhere that couldn't keep speed.
90 Then the Activity Book introduces games and exercises, with songs and pronunciation activities recorded on the audio cassette.
91 Garage raid: A computer and a portable cassette player worth £180 were stolen from a garage in Northallerton.
92 This is almost the same size as a conventional audio cassette.
93 Tommy picks up the Magnum and fires it twice at the stereo, one bullet in each cassette deck.
94 I scrambled up and reached for the eject button on the cassette deck.
95 Culley looked towards a sideboard where the cassette player stood.
96 Some studies of portable cassette players found that test subjects used headphones at levels ranging from 65-112 decibels.
97 It is much better to buy a naked C64 and one of the superior independent cassette players such as Mills Associates' Load-It.
98 They watched him as he picked up the cassette tape recorder and shut it off.
99 Or persuade the operators of a slow train to Ulan Bator to put his Beatles cassette on the public-address system?
100 Later that week I bought a Kenwood cassette player, four good speakers and a graphic equaliser.
101 Thieves broke into five cars, smashing the nearside windows and taking radio cassette players and cash.
102 You might also want to add a cassette tape player or compact disc player,[http:///cassette.html] neither of which the tester had.
103 They used either aluminium or steel foil, contained in a stainless steel cassette, as a recording medium.
104 It is rather like some one switching on a cassette in one room and then walking into another.
105 Although he had removed all trace of labelling from the cassette the Duty Men were not fooled.
106 From the rattles and clunks it's difficult to tell what's happening, but I switch on the cassette recorder in case.
107 Finch ejected the cassette, peered at it, replaced it and tried again.
108 The supplied infra-red remote control handset also enables control of a suitably appointed Nakamichi cassette deck.
109 Under this cassette, bound with a rubber band, was an envelope stuffed with paper and yellowing newspaper articles.
110 He opened it and looked at the video tape cassette inside.
111 They were no use for recording programmes, however, and the public opted for video cassette recorders instead.
112 Cassette has speakers in a variety of professional fields talking without concessions to foreign learners.
113 The aid that we are most likely to use for the same reasons as video is the audio tape or cassette recorder.
114 A £165 radio cassette player was also taken from a car parked in North Road.
115 One reason cassette players and other consumer electronics are played so loud, Hull said, is the phenomenon of auditory adaption.
116 One of those bands is the Cloudwatchers, whose latest cassette single provides two good blueprints for the perfect pop song.
117 The amount of explosive hidden in the radio cassette player which destroyed the aircraft was not detectable by any X-ray equipment.
118 Figure 1B shows the nucleotide sequence of its promoter cassette.
119 Ten-speaker radio / cassette system; hand-crafted interior trim, with lashings of leather and burr walnut.
120 If so, now is a good time to remove the safety-tab from the cassette to avoid the risk of accidental erasure.
121 She took out a cassette tape and pushed it into the car's tape-deck.
122 The car includes such niceties as a cassette deck and bucket seats.
123 Can you find a audio cassette player?
124 A tape recording reproduced in cassette form.
125 I dis-covered a mutilated cassette stuffed in a waste-basket.
126 Products wanted: Video cassette tapes ( individually wrapped ).
127 The cassette player and the tapes.
128 My cassette deck has a buzz.
129 I want to return this cassette player.
130 The transport of the cassette player was working properly.
131 All interviews are recorded on audio cassette.
132 Cassette tape recorders are out of date now.
133 The video cassette is behind the computer.
134 Prepare a tape player[Sentencedict], like a cassette tape recorder.
135 Could you possibly plug cassette player in for me?
136 A case containing magnetic tape a reela cassette.
137 We have no double cassette recorder on sale today.
138 The next generation of video cassette recorders tracks automatically.
139 Have you ever listened to any cassette tape recorders?
140 The cassette recorder is a present for my daughter.
141 Established Linguaphone in Japan, developed US market; Introduction of cassette based courses and tuition centers.
142 A cassette tape with your voice on it is an unexpected surprise.
143 Wang always carries her book and her cassette player in her bag.
144 A digital cassette system is designed which is composed of CMOS imaging sensor with mega-pixel, high capacity FLASH and CPLD for engineering embedded equipments.
145 C : Can you give me a sixty - minute cassette tape?
146 Were you able to convert your audio cassette tapes to CD or get them onto your computer?
147 Re - recording from a portable dictaphone or cassette recorder.
148 In the final products shop, we have automatic assembly lines in cassette mechanisms and others, all of which are responsible for an annual output capacity of 3 million shredders.
149 The singer on the cassette began to warble another song.
150 And I would never wish to deny them the comforts of an electric sunroof, cassette stereo and high-backed seats, or the aesthetic pleasures of advanced fuselage styling.
151 Material quality: The Swiss quartz cassette mechanism, the watch case is the stainless steel, the watch band is the stainless steel, the sapphire crystal glass mirror surface.
152 To prevent accidental erasure of recorded material, the VHS cassette has a removable tab on side.
153 The system consists of a fluxgate magnetometer with high sensitivity, data-acquisition subsystem, digital cassette and time service unit etc.
154 Many retailers thought that a cassette player without a recording mechanism had little chance of success.
155 Boom - box: a CD, radio and cassette player with speakers that you can take wherever you go.
156 In medical applications, manual handling of the cassette housing the IP is considered a disadvantage versus DR but it also offers more flexibility for patient positioning.
157 JVC showed a two-hour tape that was so compact, Popular Science called it "smaller, in fact, than some audio cassette decks."
158 If you're audio cassette player will not stay closed, use a piece of duct tape to position the tape holder.
159 Horizontal lay-up by displacing the press plates from the cassette with laminated material at the right side to the empty cassette at the left side ( waiting position ).
160 The cassette deck automatically shuts off at the end of playback to avoid overstretching the tape and to save battery life.
161 Remember that stereo you told me not to buy cos who needs a dual cassette deck?
162 The tear tape which is also called the golden lug strap can be found on the surfaces of cigarette packs,[http:///cassette.html] recording cassette boxes and other products which are covered with pellicle.
163 Do not drop or otherwise subject the cassette to shock impact.
164 Listen to a cassette tape of a teaching by a great master, or a sacredchant.
165 Used in car audio, cassette tape recorders, pocked calculator circuits, etc.
166 It is our hope that after knowing our sales ability you will consider according us the exclusive selling right for your portable cassette recorders.
167 The GPC also functions an interface to output programs directly to a standard cassette tape recorder.
168 He was asked to eject the video cassette from the vcr.
169 I've got a long lens Pentax and a cassette recorder.
170 P - glycoprotein is one of the members in the superfamily of ATP - binding cassette transporters.
171 One day, bored with the music, Mike flipped his double-decked cassette case over to reveal rows of hidden tapes in a concealed compartment.
172 I've always loved musical toys, from a miniature piano given to me by my Grandpa or my first cassette deck.
173 A case containing magnetic tape in a reel; a cassette.
174 The Rotating Head Digital Cassette Recorder is a new generation of High Density Digital Recorder( H DDR). There arc many advantages. such as compactness. light. and high tape-usage factor etc.
175 Tina: I think I have an old cassette with some disco music on it.
176 Pray for TWR s Resource Library program, which provides pastors with a years training on cassette and in scripts, Bible commentaries, and a short wave radio.
177 The expression cassette including GFP gene controlled by FPV early and late promoter was cloned into F30 gene in fowlpox virus to gain the recombinant fowlpox virus expressing GFP.
178 A cassette tape recorder can easily record sound on and play sound backtape.
179 Would you want me to take them in shorthand or record them on a cassette tape?
180 OBJECTIVE: ATP - binding cassette transporter A 1 ( ABCA 1 ) mediates the efflux of lipids from cells to lipid - poor apolipoproteins.
181 Use of a microcomputer connected with a video cassette recorder and a stroboscope, and the technology of graph process lead to more accurate diagnosis of laryngeal diseases.
182 Metal - Metal: CD Player and Cassette Deck Mechanical , Mechanical parts & Elements ofAutomobiles and Electronic Equipments, etc.
183 It has a receiver, a CD player, a double cassette deck, and a turntable.
184 David didn't know which cassette had the songs by Michael Jackson , so he began playing the record , trying the cassette hit-or-miss.
185 Due to high bandwidth resource requirement, how to support the digital video cassette recorder (VCR) functionality is a key problem in practical video on demand(VOD) systems.
186 In this paper, the concentration and the discoloration of the pectic solution with a cassette ultrafiltration installation was discussed.
187 In computer, a device that accepts serial information from a peripheral device, e. g. , cassette or keyboard, and presents it to the computer, and vice versa.
188 Not for circulation: newspaper, periodical, reference book, cyclopaedia , CD - ROM and video cassette recorder.
189 A bulk cassette has a container chamber at rear end, and an outlet at its end.
190 Description of Goods: "Victory" Brand Portable Radio Cassette Tape Recorders Model VEC-8160.
191 Full auto stop automatically shuts off the cassette deck at the end of playback to avoid overstretching the tape and to extend battery life.
192 It is widely used in mini-radiostation, moobilecommunication, pager, interphone, CTV, video cassette recorder, remote control unit, telephone, electric clock , VCD, DVD, computer[ ], ect .
193 Would you like me to take this in shorthand or record it on cassette tape?
194 Will you need a microphone and speakers, overhead, slide or movie projector, or cassette tape deck?
195 Would you like a cassette player or a video player?
196 The cassette player is an optional extra in this make of car.
197 High - quality tape - recorders ( radio cassette recorders ) made in China are water - proof, shock - resistant and antimagnetic.
198 In recording, a sealed continuous loop of magnetic cassette tape.
199 Besides the Digital Head for Magnetic Card, we also produce Monaural auto reverse playback Heads, and stereo playback Head for cassette recorders.
200 A long string of Sony products followed: the first small transistorized TVs, the world's smallest AM radio, even the video-tape cassette recorders used by U.S. astronauts on Apollo moon flights.
201 His albums released on cassette have sold more than 10 million copies.
202 The new double - cassette recorder was a hot number in the shop.
203 That was the case with VCRs , Video cassette Recorders.
204 VCC? Video Compact Cassette?
205 To shield the transgene from the affection of chromosomal position effect and improve its expression efficiency, another cHS4 insulator was inserted into the upstream of transgene cassette.
206 Engineering plastics based on semi-crystalline polyamides were specified for the case and internal drum, encasing a cassette spring recoil system capable of deploying a 50-250m Kevlar lanyard.
207 TAPE: A liner magnetic storage device rolled onto a reel or cassette.
208 Can you show me how it a cassette player works?
209 The built - in 18 sound goods copper system gold - plating cassette mechanism, above inlays has two sweetheart roses.
210 The water drain management on the sliding sunroof frame ( cassette ) is not correct.
211 The processing results can be displayed, printed or recorded on a cassette magnetic tape for later analysis.
212 They have dinner together. Perhaps they watch a movie on a video cassette recorder.
213 Now that you have your cassette tape deck connected to the computer, we can use the open-source audio recording and editing software Audacity to capture the audio.
214 I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques.
215 The GPC also functions as an interface to output programs to a standard cassette tape recorder.
216 It'specializes in the selling of pickup CCTV hardcore module cassette recorder and other assistant equipments.
217 It took 25 exposures from single drop - in roll film cassette.
218 Washpipe packing set assembly adopts cassette structure. It can be exchanged quickly without disassemble rotary hose and gooseneck.
219 He rewound the tape and ejected the cassette and put it aside for her to file.
220 And when it's time to boogie down, you probably't shove a cassette into your 8 - track player.
221 Those kooky designers are feeding our toast fetish again this morning, and this time it's Toasty, a design concept for a cassette deck-style toaster.
222 And let's not forget our cassette player and some tapes.
223 Each unit is supported by audio material in range of accents, available on audio CD or cassette.
224 The STATIM 2000 employs a fully removable cassette, allowing for aseptic transfer of instruments directly to the point-of-use.




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