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单词 relax
释义 Word family  noun relaxation adjective relaxed relaxing verb relax  re·lax /rɪˈlæks/ ●●● S3 W3 AWL verb  1  rest 休息 [intransitive, transitive]RELAXED to rest or do something that is enjoyable, especially after you have been working 放松;休息 I just want to sit down and relax. 我只想坐下来休息一下。 What Robyn needed was a drink to relax her. 萝宾需要的是喝一杯放松放松。 A hot bath should help to relax you. 洗个热水澡可以帮助你放松下来。 →4  See picture of 见图 relax2  become calm 变得平静 [intransitive, transitive] to become quiet and calm after you have been upset or nervous, or to make someone do this 放心,镇定;宽慰,使冷静 Once out of danger, he started to relax. 一脱离危险,他就开始放心了。 Relax! Everything’s fine. 放松点! 一切都很好。3  muscle 肌肉 [intransitive, transitive]LOOSE if you relax a part of your body or it relaxes, it becomes less stiff or less tight (使)松弛,放松 Gentle exercise can relax stiff shoulder muscles. 和缓的运动可以使僵硬的肩部肌肉放松。4  rules/laws 规章/法律STRICT [transitive] to make a rule or law less strict 放宽relax rules/regulations/controls Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be relaxed. 休斯认为不应放宽移民管制。5  relax your hold/grip a) LOOSEto hold something less tightly than before 松开手relax your hold/grip on He relaxed his grip on my arm. 他松开了抓着我胳膊的手。 b) STRICTto become less strict in the way you control something 放宽管制relax your hold/grip on The party has no intention of relaxing its hold on the country. 这个政党无意放松其对国家的控制。6. relax your concentration/vigilance etc ATTENTIONto reduce the amount of attention you give to something 使注意力松懈/放松警惕等 THESAURUSrelax to rest or do something that is enjoyable after you have been working 〔工作后〕放松;休息In the evenings, I like to relax with some music and a nice meal. 入夜时分,我喜欢听听音乐,吃顿丰盛的晚餐,放松一下。In two weeks’ time I’ll be relaxing on a beach in Greece. 两周后,我就将在希腊的海滩上享受惬意了。rest to stop working or stop being active, and sit down or lie down so that you become less tired 〔工作或活动时〕休息If you’re tired, we’ll stop and rest for a while. 要是你累的话,我们就停下来休息一会儿。The doctor told me to take some time off work and try to rest. 医生要我请几天假,尽量休息。unwind to gradually relax after you have been working hard or feeling anxious 〔在劳累工作或紧张焦虑之后〕放松,松弛It had been a bad day and he just wanted to get home and unwind. 这一天很糟,他只想回家放松一下。nSet in spectacular countryside, the Shiga Hotel is the perfect place to unwind. take it/things easy to relax and not do very much, especially after working very hard or being ill 〔尤指在辛苦工作或病后〕放松,休息Now that you’ve finished your exams, you can take it easy. 既然考试结束,你可以休息了。The doctor said he’ll have to take things easy for while. 医生说他得休息一阵子。put your feet up informal to rest for a short time after a tiring activity, especially by sitting with your feet resting on something 〔尤指搁起脚〕休息Kate poured herself a drink and put her feet up. 凯特给自己倒了杯喝的,然后搁起脚休息。When you’re pregnant and doing a full-time job, you must find time to put your feet up. 要是怀孕了还要做全职工作,就必须找时间休息。chill out/chill informal to relax completely, or stop worrying and getting annoyed about things – used mainly by young people 放松;冷静〔主要为年轻人使用〕We spent the day chilling out by the pool. 我们一整天都待在泳池边休息。Hey dude, chill out! It’s only a car! 嗨,朋友,别紧张!不过是辆汽车而已!nIt’s a great place to chill out.Let’s go back to my place and chill. 去我家放松放松。n loosen up informal to become more relaxed and stop worrying about thingsI keep telling Mum that she needs to loosen up a bit.Tom had had a few drinks and was beginning to loosen up.nput somebody at ease/make somebody feel at ease to make someone feel relaxed, especially in a situation in which they might feel a little nervousA good interviewer will try to make you feel at ease.His friendly manner always puts people at their ease.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrelax• Drink this. It will help you relax.• At the sound of her voice, something in me relaxed.• The cockpit crew, including Joe who had never been in a gale before in his life, began to relax.• Take a deep breath, and relax.• Just sit back and relax, and enjoy the music.• Trained staff will look after your children, so that you can relax and enjoy yourself.• They had a lovely weekend, relaxing and lying by the pool.• We sat and relaxed for an hour, or two.• For heaven's sake Keith, will you just sit down and relax for five minutes!• What Robin needed was a good drink to relax her.• The drink relaxed him so much he fell asleep.• Local residents are protesting against plans to relax laws controlling pub opening hours.• Just wait! In two weeks' time I'll be relaxing on a beach in Greece.• In the evening the aim is to relax the body.• Postponement, says Kohl, is unacceptable, but so is relaxing the rules of entry.• The government proposes to relax the rules on bringing pets into the country.• Meditation relaxes you and makes you feel more healthy.• Hey, relax, you're going to be all right.relax rules/regulations/controls• Several new relaxations were announced, and the intention to continue relaxing controls as circumstances permitted was reaffirmed.• Last September the Government relaxed rules on foreign workers coming to Britain to combat skills shortages.From Longman Business Dictionaryrelaxre‧lax /rɪˈlæks/ verb relax rules/laws/restrictions etc to make rules etc less strictThe country decided to relax its rules on the foreign ownership of its airlines.Many employers are taking steps toward relaxed dress codes (=being allowed to dress informally at work) .→ See Verb tableOrigin relax (1300-1400) Latin relaxare “to loosen”, from laxus “loose”re·lax verb →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Business is or Corpus rest do something that to




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