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单词 regularity
释义 Word family  noun regular regularity ≠ irregularity regularization adjective regular ≠ irregular verb regularize adverb regularly ≠ irregularly  re·gu·lar·i·ty /ˌreɡjəˈlærəti/ noun (plural regularities)  1  [uncountable] when the same thing keeps happening often, especially with the same amount of time between each occasion when it happens 规律性;经常性 Climate change is disrupting the regularity of the seasons. 气候的变化正在打乱季节的规律性。with alarming/increasing etc regularity Our team kept losing with monotonous regularity (=in a way that seems boring or annoying). 我们球队一次又一次地输掉比赛,让人感到厌烦。2  [countable, uncountable] when something is arranged in an even way 匀称,有规则的分布 the regularity of his features 他端正的五官Examples from the Corpusregularity• A good programmer can take anything known, any regularity, and cleverly reduce it in size.• They believed that peoples had to go from one stage to another with mechanical regularity and in predictable order.• The ineffable Louis Stanley, operating from his suite in the Dorchester, launched new but already outmoded cars with monotonous regularity.• Those groundbreaking roles came to me with a great deal of regularity.• But the striking and distinguishing feature of organisms is organisation without such simple spatial regularity.• His life was one of unambitious regularity.• At Ohio State, Pace flattened defensive line men with regularity.• Interest and dividends are paid with regularity.with alarming/increasing etc regularity• Also, the extra energy and health power-ups appear with alarming regularity, making fights ridiculously long.• Shells now began to fall with increasing regularity among closely packed men.• A number of players crop up with alarming·gu·lar·i·ty nounChineseSyllable   when happening thing keeps Corpus the same




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