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单词 refuel
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Airre·fu·el /ˌriːˈfjuːəl/ verb (refuelled, refuelling British English, refueled, refueling American English)  1  [intransitive, transitive]TTCTTA to fill a plane or vehicle with fuel before continuing a journey (给…)加油,(给…)加燃料 The plane was refuelled in Dubai. 飞机在迪拜加过油。2  [transitive] to make feelings, emotions, or ideas stronger 使〔感情、情绪或想法〕更强烈 The attack refuelled fears of war. 袭击事件加剧了人们对战争的恐惧。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrefuel• They landed at Benina to refuel.• When the wire has all but disappeared, it is time to land and refuel!• Despite the conditions the long passage was uneventful and William Lukin was refuelled and declared ready for service again by 0800.• The attack refueled fears the war would begin again.• Some military planes can refuel in mid-air.• It too would have to refuel in Newfoundland, giving them a twelve-hour lead.• On lap 49 Schumacher made his sole refuelling stop and resumed 11.1sec ahead of Coulthard, who had yet to come in.• The pilot went to the front of the plane to work the controls, and the men started to refuel the·fu·el verbChineseSyllable   Corpus or with a fill fuel vehicle plane to




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