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单词 recoup
释义  Related topics: Financere·coup /rɪˈkuːp/ verb [transitive]  BFto get back an amount of money you have lost or spent 重新获得,收回〔失去或花掉的钱〕 SYN recover The movie will have to be a huge hit to recoup its cost. 这部电影必须大获成功才能收回成本。 He was desperate to try and recoup his losses. 他不顾一切地试图挽回损失。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrecoup• The Liverpool chief has also recouped £16.4m in sales, leaving his overall dealings standing at a staggering £47.9m.• She put $50 on the next race in an attempt to recoup her losses.• Olaf died in battle, attempting to recoup his losses.• Twentieth Century-Fox, desperate to recoup its investment, negotiated a new deal with David Merrick, producer of the stage show.• San Marcos seeks to recoup more than $ 4 million it was forced to allocate for low-income housing.• The dentist gives treatment for free and then recoups the cost from the government.• If the homeowner can not meet the loan payments, the lender can foreclose and resell the house to recoup the loss.• But unless covered by his own insurance, the second renter may have to sue the negligent tenant to recoup the losses.• This is a means of making sure that they recoup their costs and prevents swaths of customers switching to better deals.From Longman Business Dictionaryrecoupre‧coup /rɪˈkuːp/ verb [transitive]FINANCE to get back an amount of money you have lost or spentFinance companies have managed to recoup some of the losses they made during the recession.Employers wished to retain skilled labour to recoup their investment in training costs.→ See Verb tableOrigin recoup (1600-1700) French recouper “to cut back”, from couper “to cut”re·coup verbChineseSyllable  an get Corpus have lost to back you of amount money Business




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