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单词 reckoning
释义  reck·on·ing /ˈrekənɪŋ/ noun  1  [uncountable]GUESS calculation that is based on a careful guess rather than on exact knowledge 估算,估计by somebody’s reckoning By my reckoning, we have 12,000 clients. 据我估计,我们有1.2万名客户。2  RESULT[countable usually singular, uncountable] a time when you are judged or punished for your actions, or when they have results that affect you 最后审判日,算总账;报应,惩罚 We know that you will not forget their crimes when their day of reckoning comes. 我们知道,等到审判的日子来临时你不会忘记他们的罪行。 In the final reckoning, the president failed to achieve his major goals. 最后算起来,总统没有实现他的主要目标。3  in/into/out of the reckoning British English among or not among those who are likely to win or be successful, especially in sport 〔尤指体育比赛中〕有/没有获胜的可能 He had a knee injury, which put him out of the reckoning. 他膝部受伤,失去了获胜的可能。 → dead reckoningExamples from the Corpusreckoning• On a conservative reckoning she would have to live at least another fifty years in this bland and dreary universe.• When the day of reckoning finally arrived, the truth was found to lie well in the middle ground between these extremes.• By Silva's reckoning, property owners in the city could save $91,000 in bills.• What happens if there's an assault on me to be taken into the reckoning?• It was not until well into 1917 that the reckoning came.• This reckoning sometimes takes bitter of reckoning• Officials concerned with environmental policy predict that a day of reckoning will come when the issue has to be faced again.• The idea of training hard for the jump was soon shelved and the day of reckoning drew nearer.• The smoke and sound told her the day of reckoning had begun.• If they do that they will merely be putting off the day of reckoning.• But on the day of reckoning a divided Kurdistan could be a fatally weakened one.• When the day of reckoning finally arrived, the truth was found to lie well in the middle ground between these extremes.• The day of reckoning has come.• Their day of reckoning had come.reck·on·ing nounChineseSyllable  based guess rather a Corpus that is careful calculation on




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