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单词 recite
释义  Related topics: Literaturere·cite /rɪˈsaɪt/ ●○○ verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]AL to say a poem, piece of literature etc that you have learned, for people to listen to 背诵;朗诵 She recited a poem that she had learnt at school. 她背诵了一首学校里学的诗。2  [transitive]TELL to tell someone a series or list of things 详述;列举 Len recited the breakfast menu – cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast. 莱恩报出早餐菜单——麦片、熏猪肉煎蛋和烤面包片。 —reciter noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusrecite• Each student had to recite a poem.• He can even recite a prayer in the language of the Sioux, albeit with a Wiltshire accent.• This may seem meaningless to non-churchgoers and trivial to churchgoers since it is part of the Athanasian Creed recited every Sunday.• All the while her father was reciting, her lips moved silently.• Felix's wife began to recite her poetry, and wondered about his air fare, and gave him some coffee.• Buerger said she can recite phrases from the film.• Detective Clark recited the facts of the case.• The court considered it important that individual students were not compelled to recite the Pledge.• After taking away our tablets, he made us recite what we had written.Origin recite (1400-1500) French réciter, from Latin recitare, from citare; → CITEre·cite verbChineseSyllable  say poem, a to Corpus literature of piece




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