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单词 recipe
释义  Related topics: Cookingre·ci·pe /ˈresəpi/ ●●● S3 noun  1  DFC[countable] a set of instructions for cooking a particular type of food 烹饪法;食谱recipe for a recipe for tomato soup 番茄汤的做法 a recipe book 一本烹饪书2  be a recipe for something CAUSEto be likely to cause a particular result, often a bad one 可能会造成某事〔常指坏的结果〕 She said that five small boys on skis was a recipe for disaster, not a holiday. 她说五个来滑雪的小男孩就不是来度假的,而是来闯祸的。Examples from the Corpusrecipe• The 45 recipes, developed and explained by Bird, are relatively simple.• I'm not a great cook, but I can follow a recipe pretty well.• Breadcrumb recipes are welcome but why not stretch to bulgur, rice, millet?• rabbit pie made to a traditional country recipe• Nutrition information is available for existing recipes and can be figured for any added recipe.• I've found a really great recipe for barbecue sauce.• Remember, nothing here is offered as a blueprint or recipe.• My Mum has the recipe for a really delicious prawn curry.• Commercial sauerkraut is very salty so there is no additional salt in the recipe.• This soup is really good - you must give me the recipe.• Could you give me the recipe for that chocolate cake?• It might be difficult, very difficult, to reproduce the recipe exactly.• The recipes of each sound temptingly exotic and very original.recipe for• a recipe for tomato soupOrigin recipe (1300-1400) Latin “take!”, from recipere; → RECEIVEre·ci·pe nounChineseSyllable  of instructions set a Corpus a for cooking




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