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单词 reception
释义 Word family  noun receipt receipts receiver reception receivership receiving receptionist receptor adjective receptive ≠ unreceptive received verb receive  Related topics: Tourism, Broadcastingre·cep·tion /rɪˈsepʃən/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  welcome/reaction 欢迎/反响 [countable usually singular]REACT a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etc 欢迎,接待;反响 → receive She was unsure of her reception after everything that had happened. 发生了这些事后,她对自己是否还受欢迎没把握。a warm/good/enthusiastic reception The delegates gave him a warm reception. 代表团热烈欢迎他。a hostile/cool/frosty reception His ideas met with a hostile reception. 他的观点遭到强烈反对。receive/have/get/meet with a ... reception He got a great reception from the crowd. 他受到人群的热烈欢迎。 The plans received a mixed reception from unions (=some people liked them, others did not). 各工会对这些计划反响不一。2  hotel/office 酒店/办公室 [uncountable] a) DLTBBthe desk or office where visitors arriving in a hotel or large organization go first 〔酒店、大型机构的〕接待处 Please leave your key at the reception desk. 请把你的钥匙留在接待处。 I asked the man at reception. 我问了接待处的人。 b) British EnglishDLTBB the area around or in front of this desk or office 前厅 SYN lobby I’ll wait for you in reception. 我在前厅等你。 the reception area 接待区 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方3  party 聚会 [countable]PARTY a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someone 庆祝会;欢迎会;招待会 It’s an ideal location for a wedding reception. 这里是举办喜宴的理想地点。 The occasion was marked by a civic reception. 市里举行招待会庆祝这个特别的时刻。► see thesaurus at party4  signals 信号 [uncountable]TCB the act of receiving radio, television, or other signals, or the quality of signals you receive 〔无线电或电视等信号的〕接收(效果)5 listeners complaining about poor reception抱怨接收效果不好的听众n Mobile phone users have complained of poor reception in the area.5. football 足球 [countable] the act of catching the ball in American football 〔美式橄榄球中的〕接球n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a particular type of welcome for someone, or a particular type of reaction to their ideas, work etcadjectivesa warm reception (=friendly or approving)The prince was given a warm reception when he visited enthusiastic/rapturous/rousing reception (=in which people show a lot of approval in a noisy way)She received an enthusiastic reception.a hostile receptionWhen reporters arrived at the house, they got a hostile reception.a cool/chilly/frosty reception (=not friendly or approving)His idea got a cool reception from his colleagues.a lukewarm reception (=not enthusiastic)I am bewildered by the lukewarm reception given to her latest album.a mixed reception (=when some people like something and some do not)His first novel received a mixed reception.a favourable/positive receptionThe movie got a favourable reception from audiences and critics alike.verbsget/have a warm etc reception (also receive a warm etc reception formal)As he came on, Rocky got a great reception from the with a warm etc reception formalThey met with a chilly reception from my mother.give somebody/something a warm etc receptionOpposition parties gave the proposals a lukewarm reception.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 3: a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someoneADJECTIVES/NOUN + reception a wedding receptionThere were over 200 guests at our wedding reception.a civic reception (=one given by the authorities of a city)The plaque was unveiled during a civic reception given at Glasgow City Chambers. a champagne receptionTickets include a champagne reception and buffet official receptionAfter an official reception at the Embassy, they visited the White House.a formal receptionThere will be a formal reception in honour of his life and work.verbsattend a receptionWe have to attend a reception at the Embassy.have/hold a reception The wedding reception will be held at The Grand Hotel.Examples from the Corpusreception• There will be a reception for the visiting professors.• The pair were spotted together at a champagne reception at the Imperial Hotel.• Two hundred guests attended an evening reception, held in honor of the Chancellor's visit.• On the second night, the captain always holds a formal reception for the crew and passengers.• The two men were confused by the hostile reception the mob gave them, and they had reason to be.• The winner's reception will take place in a top hotel in central London.• He added scoring receptions of 56 and 58 yards later from quarterback Cade McNown, both on play-action throws.• There will be fireworks, concerts, parties, dinners, church services, receptions and a parade.• Today Stephen was worried about the reception staff.• Above the reception is the professional team's accommodation and administrative facilities.• All the mirrors in the reception hall had been smashed, all the paintings on the walls were slashed.• I went to the church service, but not to the reception.• He also was penalized for an illegal shift that nullified his 1-yard touchdown reception late in the second quarter.• a 24-yard touchdown reception• a wedding reception• We had our wedding reception in a local hotel.• The wedding reception will take place at the Lennox Hotel, starting at 3.30 pm.a warm/good/enthusiastic reception• We are preparing a warm reception for invaders.• From some of the 11,000 students a warm reception, and a cheeky invitation.• Assets of £75,000 or even less can now be enough to guarantee you a warm reception from the private bankers.reception desk• Louis Johnson came to despise the Alsops and ordered Pentagon reception desks to inform him whenever they set foot in the building.• The contract was made at the reception desk.• The nurses all wore sweaters, and a tiny electric heater glowed behind the reception desk.• The two women behind the reception desk avoided her eye.• It was early evening when the manager of the Langstone Hotel came to the reception desk in response to the ringing of the bell.• Dragging her mind back to the matter in hand, and mumbling apologies, she wormed her way to the reception desk.• The reception desk was getting a last bright coat of yellow paint.• I worked reception desk and reception• Meetings, rallies, dances and wedding receptions all brought the small communities together.• The castle's impressive great hall is a popular venue with local couples for wedding receptions.• It is an ideal location for wedding receptions, having large attractive grounds.• Holtz took him upstairs to see one of the large second-floor spaces that had once been used for wedding receptions.• This is the ideal hotel if you are planning a small wedding reception.• The couple also got £2,000 cash that helped to make their wedding reception a feast to remember.• Food for more than 100 guests at two wedding receptions was alleged to have been prepared at the kitchen.poor reception• Michael Heseltine's ungainly hybrid replacement received a poor reception from Tory activists gathered at Southport last weekend.• This met with a poor reception.• The company claims to have solved many of the problems of poor reception suffered by mobile phone users.• A recurrent problem for the station was that of poor reception, even when the transmitting power was increased.From Longman Business Dictionaryreceptionre‧cep‧tion /rɪˈsepʃən/ noun1[uncountable] the desk or office where visitors who arrive in a hotel or large organization go firstPlease leave your key at the reception desk.2[uncountable] British English the area around or in front of a reception desk or officeI’ll meet you in reception in half an hour.3[countable] a large formal party to celebrate an event or to welcome someonea champagne reception to launch his new bookOrigin reception (1300-1400) French Latin receptio, from recipere; → RECEIVEre·cep·tion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a of particular Corpus welcome Business for type




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