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单词 devil
释义  Related topics: Occultdev·il /ˈdevəl/ ●●○ S3 noun  1. the devil  (also the Devil)RRC the most powerful evil spirit in some religions, especially in Christianity 〔尤指基督教中的〕魔鬼 SYN Satan2  [countable]RFRO an evil spirit 邪魔,邪灵 SYN demon The villagers believed a devil had taken control of his body. 村民们认为他被邪魔附身了。3. speak of the devil  (also talk of the devil British English) spokenARRIVE used when someone you have just been talking about walks into the room where you are 正说到某人他就来了;说曹操,曹操到4  poor/lucky/handsome etc devil spokenPERSON/PEOPLE used to talk about someone who you feel sorry for, who is lucky etc 可怜/幸运/漂亮等的家伙 What on earth is wrong with the poor devil? 这可怜的家伙到底怎么了?5  little/old devil spoken used to talk about a child or an older man who behaves badly, but who you like 小鬼头/老鬼头 He’s a naughty little devil. 他是个顽皮的小鬼头。 I really miss the old devil. 我非常想念这老鬼头。6  be a devil PERSUADE British English spoken used to persuade someone to do something they are not sure they should do 别怕,勇敢些〔用来说服某人做犹豫不决的事〕 Go on, be a devil, have another gin and tonic. 来,怕什么,再来一杯金汤力。7  what/who/why etc the devil? SURPRISEDANNOY old-fashioned spoken used to show that you are surprised or annoyed 究竟是什么鬼名堂/哪个鬼家伙/为什么?〔表示惊讶或恼怒〕 How the devil should I know what she’s thinking? 我怎么会知道她到底在想些什么?8  a devil of a time/job etc old-fashioned spoken a difficult or unpleasant time, job etc 难熬的时光/费力的工作等 We had a devil of a job trying to get the carpet clean again. 我们费了死劲想重新把地毯清洗干净。9. go to the devil! old-fashioned spokenLEAVE A PLACE used to tell someone rudely to go away or stop annoying you 滚开!去你的!10  do something like the devil FAST/QUICKSTRONG PERSON old-fashioned spoken to do something very fast or using a lot of force 拼命地做某事,使劲地做某事 They rang the bell and ran like the devil. 他们按了门铃,然后就飞快地跑开了。11. better the devil you know (than the devil you don’t) KNOW somebodyused to say that it is better to deal with someone or something you know, even if you do not like them, than to deal with someone or something new that might be worse 宁跟认识的魔鬼打交道(也比跟不认识的魔鬼打交道好),两害相权取其轻12. between the devil and the deep blue sea in a difficult situation because there are only two choices you can make and both of them are unpleasant 进退维谷,左右为难13. ... and the devil take the hindmost used to say that everyone in a situation only cares about what happens to themselves and does not care about other people 要鬼捉不到,抢在人前逃〔形容人人只顾自己而不管别人〕14. the devil makes/finds work for idle hands used to say that people who do not have enough to do will start to do bad things 人闲魔鬼找〔指人有空闲就会做坏事〕n15. the devil is in the detail used to say that the details of a plan, agreement etc are very important and may result in problems → devil's advocateExamples from the Corpusdevil• Beside him stood a devil in red tights with horns and a forked tail.• If we come really unstuck, then we can blame the devil!• But he was an old man nevertheless, with young boys being so close and full of the devil.• There was a representation of the devil carrying off the wicked to Hades.• The Bible makes it clear that the devil and his forces are the masters of misrepresentation.• I said, if it wasn't true, then the devils would be exorcized.• What the devil does he want?Origin devil Old English deofol, from Greek diabolosdev·il nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  most evil Corpus spirit powerful the some in




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