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单词 recently
释义  re·cent·ly /ˈriːsəntli/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  RECENTLYnot long ago 最近,近来,不久前 He has recently been promoted to Assistant Manager. 他最近晋升为经理助理。 a recently published biography 一部最近出版的传记 Jerry lived in Cairo until quite recently. 直至不久之前杰里一直住在开罗。 More recently, he’s appeared in a number of British films. 最近,他出演了多部英国电影。 THESAURUSrecently not long ago, especially a few days, weeks, or months ago 最近,近来〔尤指几天、几星期或几个月之前〕The president has recently returned from a tour of South America. 总统最近刚出访南美归来。A new species of plant was recently discovered in Brazil. 最近在巴西发现了一个新的植物物种。lately especially spoken during the recent past, especially during the weeks or days closest to now 最近〔尤指在刚过去的几星期或几天之内〕I’ve been really busy lately so I haven’t been out much. 我最近实在很忙,所以不大出去。There hasn’t been much in the news lately. 最近没什么新闻。just especially spoken a very short time ago, especially only a few minutes, hours, days, or weeks ago 刚才,刚刚〔尤指几分钟、几小时、几天或几星期之前〕John’s just gone out. 约翰刚出去。They’ve just had a new baby. 他们刚生了个孩子。a short/little while ago especially spoken not long ago – often used when you are not sure exactly when 不久前〔常用于表示不确定何时〕That house was sold a short while ago. 那幢房子不久前卖掉了。I looked in on her a little while ago and she was fast asleep. 刚才我去看她,她睡得正熟。the other day spoken recently, especially only a few days ago 几天前I met Lucy in town the other day. 几天前我在镇上遇到了露西。You’ll never guess what happened to me the other day. 你永远也猜不出前几天我碰到了什么事。freshly made, prepared, done etc not long ago – used especially about food and drink. Also used about things that have just been painted, washed, or dug 新近〔尤用于食品或饮料,也用于刚粉刷好、洗好或挖好之物〕freshly baked bread 刚出炉的面包freshly squeezed orange juice 鲜榨橙汁The boat had been freshly painted. 那艘船刚漆过。newly created, built, married etc not long ago 新近〔创设、建造、结婚等〕the newly created position of Chief Designer 新设的首席设计师一职a newly married couple 新婚夫妻their newly elected president 他们新当选的总统Examples from the Corpusrecently• He lived in Boston until quite recently.• Her school work has been much better recently.• I haven't been feeling well recently.• Congress recently acted to deny trade preferences to countries that fail to meet their legal obligations to end such abusive child labor.• The Town of Tortolita recently added Ching to its battery of attorneys by approving a consulting contract.• A number of other institutions have recently applied for corporate membership.• As recently as the mid sixties, Nelson Rockefeller was considered unsuitable for the presidency because he had once been divorced.• More recently, banks have offered customers the opportunity to change to PC or telephone banking.• Until recently, commercial fishermen had been allowed to shoot sea lions if they tried to steal their catch.• a new species of plant that was only recently discovered in southern Brazil• The priest was a Missionary Brother of Charity who had recently entered the Order.• Just recently I've been thinking about changing my job.• the recently industrialized countries of Southeast Asia• The hospital recently installed a new heating system.• "When did she go back to Italy?" "Oh, very recently - just a couple of days ago."• The Fed recently lowered the funds rate to 5. 50 % from 5. 75 %.• The President has recently returned from a five day tour of South America.• We have heard recently that Trafford is working on the same lines, so we will have to get a move on.• Police recently uncovered a ring that was selling crack through two girls living in the tiny town of Downs, population 620.until ... recently• Exactly what they do when at last they reach the sea was unknown until quite recently.• The end-products of this explosion are - or were until recently - all around us.• In fact medicine has been, at least until recently, built around the practice rather than the job.• Internet advertising, until recently flourishing, is hitting its first speed bump.• Until recently, Sunrise was viewed on Wall Street as a highflying growth company.• Until recently, the society has guarded its isolation.• Until recently, the utility generally had to wait to hear of problems until irate customers like Graham called.• But, until recently, to produce a professional looking result meant employing professionals to look after the work for·cent·ly adverb →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  ago long Corpus not




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