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单词 beginner
释义 Word family  noun beginner beginning verb begin  be·gin·ner /bɪˈɡɪnə $ -ər/ ●●● W3 noun [countable]  1  LEARNsomeone who has just started to do or learn something 新手,生手;初学者 an absolute beginner 不折不扣的初学者2. beginner’s luck LUCKYunusual success that you have when you start something new 新手的好运Examples from the Corpusbeginner• Beginners need to ski on easier slopes.• As a beginner, she needs quite a lot of encouragement.• This possibility is worth suggesting to more experienced pilots, but, of course, is not suitable for a beginner.• These are often vital for a beginner, because they give meaning to the tasks involved.• Everyone was a beginner at one time.• Japanese classes for beginners• They range from non-performing beginner groups to an auditioned jazz band that meets an hour before school starts.• The instructor will guide the beginner through each stage of the form, pointing out pitfalls along the way.• The tennis club welcomes beginners as well as more advanced players.absolute beginner• This applies whether you are an absolute beginner or experienced sailor.• The colour is white, to denote an absolute beginner.• Many of our students are absolute beginners who are looking to expand their artistic interests.• Clever paint tricks Because there's more patience than skill involved in stencilling, it's a great technique for absolute beginners.• Comments: A most undemanding and very hardy plant, which can be grown by the absolute beginner with great success.• Comments: Very easy plant to grow even for the absolute beginner.• Courses cater for all levels of diver from the absolute beginner up to those who want to fine tune their·gin·ner nounChineseSyllable  just someone started or Corpus who learn to do has something




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