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单词 rampant
释义  Related topics: Plantsram·pant /ˈræmpənt/ adjective  1  CONTROLif something bad, such as crime or disease, is rampant, there is a lot of it and it is very difficult to control 〔犯罪、疾病等〕猖獗的,泛滥的,失控的 → rife, widespread Pickpocketing is rampant in the downtown area. 闹市区扒窃活动猖獗。 rampant inflation 失控的通货膨胀2. HBPa plant that is rampant grows and spreads quickly, in a way that is difficult to control 〔植物〕过于繁茂的 —rampantly adverbExamples from the Corpusrampant• Corruption soon became rampant.• Already, voters seem to think political corruption is rampant.• But the greed and the amorality ar not as rampant as the public seems to think.• It wasn't military action but rampant disease that finally caused the population to surrender.• rampant garden weeds• The scourge of unemployment was added to that of rampant inflation.• Inflation - rampant since independence - now went mad.• The game was hardly artistic, flowing with penalties and turnovers and rampant sloppiness.• A rich soil soon becomes home to rampant weeds which smother less competitive, more attractive plants.rampant inflation• The scourge of unemployment was added to that of rampant inflation.• The rampant inflation that followed Henry VIII's currency speculations and which his successors could hardly limit hit them most of all.Origin rampant (1300-1400) French present participle of ramper “to climb, crawl”ram·pant adjectiveChineseSyllable  such or Corpus if crime bad, disease, is something there as rampant,




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