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单词 raincoat
释义  Related topics: Clothesrain·coat /ˈreɪnkəʊt $ -koʊt/ ●●○ noun [countable]  DCCa coat that you wear to protect yourself from rain 雨衣Examples from the Corpusraincoat• She put on a black raincoat and snuck around outside her building one night.• He wore a black p.v.c. raincoat which creaked as he moved.• She bunches her raincoat like a bolster to make herself more comfortable.• She must fetch her raincoat, just to be on the safe side.• Her indecision made her sweat; her armpits felt clammy under her raincoat and the palms of her hands were moist.• His raincoat was heavy with damp.• I wrapped it in my raincoat and took it on the Love Field bus.• Moths have lived on raincoats for years.rain·coat nounChineseSyllable  coat protect to a you Corpus wear that




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