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单词 quotable
释义  quot·a·ble /ˈkwəʊtəbəl $ ˈkwoʊ-/ adjective  INTERESTINGa quotable remark or statement is interesting, clever, or amusing 〔评论等〕值得引用的,有趣的 a speech full of witty, quotable phrases 妙语连珠的演讲Examples from the Corpusquotable• They ignore ambiguities in their own writing, and in their interview material, which they treat as unproblematically quotable.• Songwriters are another good source of quotable lines.• Meanwhile, those garrulous starlets who utter a quotable phrase almost every time they open their mouths are few and far between.• Every press release should include a quotable, provocative statement from an officer or committee member of the organization involved.quot·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  statement remark Corpus clever, a is interesting, or quotable




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