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单词 quarrelsome
释义  quar·rel·some /ˈkwɒrəlsəm $ ˈkwɔː-, ˈkwɑː-/ adjective especially British English  ARGUEsomeone who is quarrelsome quarrels a lot with people 喜欢争吵的;好争论的 SYN argumentative He became quarrelsome after drinking too much. 他喝多了就爱找人吵架。Examples from the Corpusquarrelsome• Although colorful, active, and good feeders, they are apt to be a little quarrelsome.• They became cranky and quarrelsome, and stopped most of their activities in order to conserve energy.• Even quarrelsome members of the leadership, like William Joyce, appear to have been attracted to the movement by such motives.• Conversely, to be angry, quarrelsome, or brave marks one off as not human.• Leese had a pronounced anti-authoritarian streak in his behaviour and a quarrelsome personality.• They are quarrelsome, politically unstable and poor; some are preoccupied with fighting.• He depicts his noisy, disordered, life-loving, quarrelsome, self-absorbed family with a historian's detachment.• Previously you had to be part of a quarrelsome, uneconomic unit of orthodoxy known as a church.quar·rel·some adjectiveChineseSyllable  someone who a quarrels Corpus with lot quarrelsome is people




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