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单词 puritanical
释义  pu·ri·tan·i·cal /ˌpjʊərəˈtænɪkəl◂ $ ˌpjʊr-/ adjective  STRICTvery strict about moral matters, especially sex – used to show disapproval 道德作风〔尤指性方面〕极端严谨的,清教徒式的〔含贬义〕 a puritanical father who wouldn’t let his children watch television 不让孩子看电视的清教徒式的父亲 The atmosphere at the school was oppressively puritanical. 那所学校是清教徒式的风气,显得很压抑。Examples from the Corpuspuritanical• It was perhaps no wonder that he reacted against the spartan, puritanical environment of Potsdam.• This puritanical, megalithic masonry was the chosen style of Muhammed bin Tughluk.• They figure this was a puritanical overreaction to a handful of innocent pictures and claim it raises the chilling specter of censorship.• LaLanne had added a new dimension to the diet gurus' puritanical quest for spiritual salvation through the body: exercise.• He became more puritanical, searching my room and handbag regularly.• The attitude many people have toward abortion is part of what Moore calls a puritanical streak in the United States.• Americans tend to be more puritanical than Europeans.• If anything, pentecostals are generally viewed as being more puritanical than other women, not more promiscuous.• Money is the root of all evil, dictates the puritanical thought of the Old Age.pu·ri·tan·i·cal adjectiveChineseSyllable  strict moral matters, sex very about to used especially – Corpus




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