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单词 been
释义  been /biːn, bɪn $ bɪn/ verb  1. x-refthe past participle of be be的过去分词2  a) GOused to say that someone has gone to a place and come back 曾到过,去过〔某地〕been to I’ve never been to Japan. 我从未去过日本。have been to do something Have you been to see the Van Gogh exhibition yet? 你去看过凡•高画展了吗? b) British EnglishGO used to say that someone has come to a place and left again 来过〔某地〕 The postman hasn’t been yet. 邮差还没有来过。3. been there, seen that, done thatseen that, done that been there spokenEXPERIENCE used to say that you are no longer interested in doing something, because you already have a lot of experience of it 已经司空见惯,已经太熟悉了〔表示已对某事失去兴趣〕5 GRAMMAR 语法:been in, been to, gone to, went to• Use have been in to talk about living or staying in a place 表示在某地居住或逗留,用have been inHow long have you been in London?你在伦敦待多久了?• Use have been to to talk about having visited a place and come back again 表示去过某地之后又回来了,用have been toShe’s been to the hospital for a check-up.她去医院做了个检查。• Use have gone to to talk about having travelled to a place and not come back 表示去了某地尚未回来,用 have gone toHe had gone to Australia not long before.他不久前去了澳大利亚。• Use went to to talk about a specific trip that someone made in the past 表示某人过去的某次出行,用went toLast May I went to a conference in Montreal.去年五月份我去蒙特利尔参加了一个会议。n GRAMMAR: Comparisonhave been• You use have been to when someone has visited a place and come back again: She’s been to the hospital for a check-up.• You use have been in when someone has lived or stayed in the same place: How long have you been in London?have gone• You use have gone to when someone has travelled to a place and not come back: Mark’s not here. He’s gone to the shops.went• You use went to to talk about a trip that someone made in the past: Last May I went to a conference in Montreal.Origin been Old English gebeonbeen verb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2LDOCE OnlineChinese  




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