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单词 prudery
释义  prud·er·y /ˈpruːdəri/ noun [uncountable]  OFFENDthe behaviour or attitude of people who are too easily shocked by things relating to sex – used to show disapproval 〔在性方面〕大惊小怪的行为[态度],谈性色变〔含贬义〕Examples from the Corpusprudery• Surely, they feel, youthful vigour should outgun out-of-date prudery.• A single incident suggests a great deal about Hennepinhis prudery, his belligerence, his sensitivity.• For those raised in the prudery of puritanism or the celibacy-conscious preoccupations of Catholicism this ran against the grain.• I am convinced that Victorian prudery was much to blame for this, and modern treatment might have much ameliorated it.prud·er·y nounChineseSyllable  of are attitude the or people Corpus behaviour who




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