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单词 protected
释义 Word family  noun protection protector protectionism protectionist protectiveness protectorate adjective protected ≠ unprotected protective protectionist verb protect adverb protectively  pro·tect·ed /prəˈtektɪd/ adjective  a protected animal, plant, area, or building is one that it is illegal to harm or damage 受保护的〔指法律规定不得予以侵害〕 Spotted owls are a protected species. 斑点猫头鹰是受保护的物种。Examples from the Corpusprotected• The Labour party and trade unions say farmworkers need to be protected and need to be treated as a special case.• The desert tortoise is one of many species in the protected area.• Regions are also allowed to change the boundaries of protected areas, thereby allowing hunting in areas where it was previously banned.• Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, 13 of 25 protected species have declined due to changes in farming practice.protected species• Eventually the law caught up with him and he was heavily fined for caging protected species.• The badger is a protected species covered by legislation.• Meanwhile, in the United Kingdom, 13 of 25 protected species have declined due to changes in farming practice.• The list of protected species is reviewed every five years.• As part of the campaign officials are also investigating restaurants which serve endangered or protected species such as cobras, pangolins and civets.• We are firmly opposed to international trade in rare and protected species such as rhinoceroses, cheetahs, leopards, and bears.• The winter-run chinook was listed as a protected species under the state and federal endangered species acts in 1989.• As the golden eagle is a protected species you prohibited by law from going anywhere near its·tect·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus animal, building plant, or protected area, a




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