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单词 proposition
释义  Related topics: Law, Mathsprop·o·si·tion1 /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃən $ ˌprɑː-/ ●○○ noun [countable]  1  statement 声明SUGGEST a statement that consists of a carefully considered opinion or judgment 主张,观点,见解proposition that Most people accept the proposition that we have a duty to protect endangered animals. 大多数人都认同我们有义务保护濒危动物的观点。 The theory is founded on two basic propositions. 这个理论是建立在两个基本观点之上的。2  suggestion 建议SUGGEST a suggestion, or something that is suggested or considered as a possible thing to do 提议,建议 He telephoned Stuart with a proposition. 他打电话给斯图尔特提了个建议。attractive/interesting/practical etc proposition The offer of two tickets for the price of one makes it a very attractive proposition. 门票买一送一的提议很诱人。 It doesn’t sound like a very viable proposition to me. 对我来说那提议听起来似乎不太可行。 I’ve got a proposition to put to you. 我要向你提个建议。3  be a different/tricky/simple etc proposition  used to say how easy someone or something will be to deal with 很不容易对付/很好处理等 My new boss is a very different proposition. 我的新老板很不好对付。4  law 法律 (also Proposition)SCL a suggested change or addition to the law of a state of the US, which citizens vote on 〔由公民表决的美国某个州提出的〕法律修正案 Proposition 147 第147号修正案5. mathematics 数学 technicalHM something that must be proved, or a question to which the answer must be found – used in geometry 命题 —propositional adjectiven COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a suggestion, or something that is suggested or considered as a possible thing to doverbsput a proposition to somebody (also make (somebody) a proposition)A proposition was put to Owen, and he is considering it.I’m going to make you a proposition.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + propositiona business propositionDoes this mean you’ve changed your mind about my business proposition?a commercial proposition (=likely to be financially successful)Gold mining is not a commercial proposition attractive propositionSetting up your own business is a very attractive interesting propositionA further study focussing on older people is an interesting proposition.a practical/viable proposition (=likely to be possible or successful)A complete ban on strikes is not a practical proposition.Examples from the Corpusproposition• Proposition 209 outlawed affirmative action in California.• I have a proposition to make.• I am left with the cup the idea of that ordinary physical object - or a proposition about the cup.• It's a proposition - a business proposition.• However, all this makes the Rolls a more costly proposition if it needs repairing.• Inevitably this raises a question about the logical structure of existential propositions in general.• We are prepared to look at any reasonable proposition from the council.• Most of Aristotle's propositions have proven wrong over time.• But as the centennial neared, he approached Fred with quite a secular proposition.• Those behind the proposition are a group of hard-working volunteers who want to improve Tucson.• Film theorists first put forward the proposition that the construction of the spectator in mainstream cinema is gendered.• We're still studying the proposition.• It would be difficult to sustain this proposition.• I'll consider your proposition and let you know.proposition that• There are certain simple classes of true arithmetical proposition that do form recursively enumerable sets, however.• Erling has based his legal defense on the proposition that the photos of him are fake.• First then the proposition that management should accept a responsibility for doing everything possible to keep prices stable or to reduce them.• Let us begin with the proposition that our visual experience does somehow involve a judgement.• The proposition that the fabliau is an appropriate mode for an argument between two churls is explicitly Chaucer's.proposition ... put to• I told you I had a proposition to put to you.• Quite apart from anything else, I have a business proposition to put to you.• Desmond took his time, and when he finally arrived and the proposition was put to him, he shook his head.proposition2 verb [transitive] formal  SEX/HAVE SEX WITHto suggest to someone that they have sex with you 提出与〔某人〕发生性关系,向〔某人〕求欢 Here, prostitutes constantly proposition tourists. 这里妓女经常勾搭游客。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusproposition• Even she, who'd been propositioned by experts, had to admit that.• I was propositioned by this absolutely stunning girl who couldn't have been any more than seventeen.• She complained that her boss propositioned her on several occasions.• Had Puddephat provoked this storm by propositioning the boy?• His parishioners had grumbled that streetwalkers propositioned them after his sermons.From Longman Business Dictionarypropositionprop‧o‧si‧tion /ˌprɒpəˈzɪʃənˌprɑː-/ noun [countable]1COMMERCEa business idea, offer, or suggestion, for example a possible business dealI’ll consider your proposition and let you know my decision next week.We have a proposition to make.It is an attractive proposition. → value proposition2 (also Proposition)LAW in the US, a suggested change to the law of a state, which citizens vote onProposition 13, passed by California voters in 1978, requires that any new special taxes be approved by at least two-thirds of the voters.3a statement that consists of a carefully considered opinion or judgementKondratiev’s basic proposition was that the advanced capitalist economies go through regular cycles of booms and slumps (=ups and downs).proposition thatThe proposition that the world economy is a system means that all parts are in one way or another dependent on each other.prop·o·si·tion1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1proposition2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  considered a Corpus of Business statement that consists a carefully




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