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单词 priority
释义 Word family  noun priority prioritization verb prioritize  pri·or·i·ty1 /praɪˈɒrəti $ -ˈɔːr-/ ●●○ S3 W2 AWL noun (plural priorities)  1  [countable, uncountable]IMPORTANT the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else 优先处理的事,当务之急 The club’s priority is to win the League. 该俱乐部首先考虑的是要赢得联赛。first/top/main priority The children are our first priority. 孩子是我们的头等大事。 After several burglaries in the area, security is now a high priority (=very important and needing attention soon). 该地区发生了几宗入室盗窃案以后,治安成了当务之急。 With so little money available, repairs must remain a low priority (=not important and not needing attention soon). 可用的钱这么少,只好暂时放下维修事宜了。 The customer is high on our list of priorities. 顾客在我们的心目中排在第一位。 List your tasks in order of priority (=most important first). 按照轻重缓急列出你的工作。2  IMPORTANT[uncountable] the right to be given attention first and before other people or things 优先权priority over Buses should have priority over other road users. 相较于其他路面交通工具,公共汽车应享有优先通行权。 A young person who has finished the course will be given priority over one who has not. 完成课程的年轻人将比没有完成的获得优先考虑。 I want to start work on the garden but the house must take priority. 我想开始整修花园,不过还是先得打扫屋子。3  get your priorities right  (also get your priorities straight American English)IMPORTANT to know what is most important and needs attention first 分清楚事情的轻重缓急 We need to get our priorities right. 我们得分清楚轻重缓急。n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything elseadjectivesa high priority (=very important)Right now, the environment is a high urgent priorityHe sees these negotiations as an urgent priority.a low priority (=not very important)At that time, architecture was a low priority.the top/main/number one priorityControlling spending is his top priority.the first priorityThe first priority for most unemployed people is obtaining a job.the overriding priority (=the most important one)The reduction of inflation must be the Government’s overriding priority.somebody’s immediate priority (=which must be dealt with immediately)Their immediate priority was to find somewhere to sleep that night.phrasesa list/set of prioritiesMarriage isn’t very high on my list of order of priority (=with the most important first)They asked voters to list issues in order of priority.verbsset priorities (=decide what the priorities are)With any new project, it's important to set priorities.sort out your priorities (=decide which things are the most important as a way of dealing with a situation)If you’ve got a lot of things to do, sort out your priorities.make something a priorityLisa had a job, but she'd always made her family the priority.somebody’s priorities changeAs you get older, your priorities may change.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: the right to be given attention first and before other people or thingsverbshave priorityCouples may have to decide whose career has priority.get priorityThe breakdown services say that women on their own get priority.take priority (=become the most important thing)Winning the war took priority over everything else.give priority to somebody/somethingThe hospital always gives priority to emergency cases.Examples from the Corpuspriority• There has been a priority of worship.• But equal priority is my people.• The President promised to give priority to reducing unemployment.• For years her highest priority had been a career.• The focus is priorities for improvements.• But black and ethnic minority subjects still have low priority in psychology.• My main priority is get through all my exams.• Safety has always been our number one priority.• Not long after expressing interest, general manager Dan Duquette decided he has other priorities.• First, let's decide what our priorities are.• Our priority right now is to get food and medical supplies to the region.• The priority after the divestiture, though, will be reducing debt, he said.• Aid for environmental planning in developing countries has been designated a top order of priority• To help you avoid over-reacting, put the items listed below in order of priority.• It is often better to be selective or list the problems in order of priority.• The referrals are usually sorted by a team leader, put in order of priority, and allocated to social workers.• Without water we would survive about four days, so in order of priority for life it's number two after oxygen.• He built up neat stacks in order of priority, slipped rubber bands around them, dropped them in his briefcase.• We'd like you to put them in order of priority to agree with our judges' decision.• A Health Care Commission was set up to rank hundreds of treatments in order of priority, using a formula similar to QALYs.take priority• The need to feed the addiction takes priority over all other activities, leading to personal neglect, anti-social behaviour and crime.• With the push to integrate, will the needs of the regular education child take priority over the special education child?• The national reconstruction agenda is taking priority.• If it's sold the first lender takes priority.• Commonality quickly took priority over distinctiveness.• The evidence was strong that the council subcommittee was persuaded before the public hearing that the Housing Commission should take priority.• How do you decide whom should take priority?• Those available will be busy rehabilitating stroke patients, who take priority.priority2 adjective  before other people or things 优先的 Members receive priority bookings and reduced ticket prices to all concerts. 会员可优先预订所有音乐会的门票,并享受优惠票价。From Longman Business Dictionaryprioritypri‧or‧i‧ty /praɪˈɒrəti-ˈɔːr-/ noun (plural priorities) [countable]1the thing that is more important than anything else, and that needs attention firstCost-cutting measures continue to be thefirst priority at the company.The measures dominated Finland’s economic priorities.A free-trade pact with Mexico should be atop priority.2be given/have/get/take/ priority to be considered more important or needing more attention than anything else and therefore dealt with firstWorkers accepting redundancy will have priority for jobs elsewhere at G.M.American Express cardholders will be given priority booking at Forte hotels.Criminal cases take priority over civil suits.pri·or·i·ty1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2priority2 adjectiveLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  that Corpus most is Business think thing the you




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