单词 |
preside over something |
释义 |
preside over something preside over something → preside over something at preside(1)preside over something |
随便看 |
- dissuades
- dissuading
- dissuasion
- distaff
- distance
- distanced
- distance learning
- distance-learning
- distancelearning
- distances
- distance yourself
- distance yourself from
- distance yourself (from something)
- distance yourself from something
- distance yourself from sth
- distancing
- distant
- distant from
- distant from something
- distant from sth
- distantly
- distaste
- distasteful
- distastefully
- Di Stefano, Alfredo
- Placating
- Placate
- Condone
- Glitch
- Unfamiliar
- Undoubtedly
- Sociable
- Reckon
- Rooted
- Fresh
- 体育·龙舟竞渡
- 体育卫生保健
- 体育明星也有不幸
- 体能不足的人,没有资本谈精力十足
- 体裁的写作手法
- 体裁的发展和新变
- 体解神昏,志消气沮,天下事不是这般人干底。攘臂抵掌,矢志奋心,天下事也不是这般人干底。干天下事者,智深勇沉,神闲气定。有所不言,言必当;有所不为,为必成。不自好而露才,不轻试以幸功。此真才也,世鲜识之。近世惟前二种人乃互相讥,识者胥笑之。
- 体认要尝出悦心真味,工夫更要进到百尺竿头,始为真儒。向与二三子暑月饮池上,因指水中莲房以谈学问。曰:山中人不识莲,于药铺买得干莲肉,食之称美。后入市买得久摘鲜莲,食之更称美也。余叹曰:渠食池上新摘,美当何如?一摘出池,真味犹漓。若卧莲舟,挽碧筒就房而裂食之,美更何如?今之体认,皆食干莲肉者也。又如这树上胡桃,连皮吞之,不可谓之不吃,不知此果须去厚肉皮,不则麻口;再去硬骨皮,不则损牙;再去瓤上粗皮,
- 体谅他人,别揭人之短
- 体谅的意思,体谅的近义词,反义词,造句
- 体谅老板的难处
- 体谅老板,未来才能做好老板
- 体贴入微·无微不至是什么意思
- 体贴入微的意思,体贴入微的近义词,反义词,造句
- 体贴入微的意思,体贴入微造句
- Euglobulin句子
- Eucharistic句子
- Intramedullary句子
- Reno句子
- Volatile oil句子
- Compound protein句子
- Concentric ring句子
- On the tick句子
- Thoraces句子
- Noncommissioned officer句子
- Metastases句子
- Lectin句子
- Sense of right and wrong句子
- Figure skate句子
- Hysteroscopy句子