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单词 presidency
释义  Related topics: Officialspres·i·den·cy /ˈprezədənsi/ ●○○ noun (plural presidencies) [countable]  PGOJOB/WORKthe position of being the president of a country or organization, or the period of time during which someone is president 总统[主席,总裁]的职位[任期] Roosevelt was elected four times to the presidency of the US. 罗斯福四次当选美国总统。 There were few real improvements during his presidency. 在他的总统任期内几乎没有什么真正的改善。Examples from the Corpuspresidency• The largely ceremonial presidency would rotate among major groups.• Mr Clinton began his presidency wanting to do it all.• Now Clinton has an opportunity to think and act in terms of the legacy of his presidency.• Truman's popularity had fallen to the lowest point of his presidency.• Perot, whose bid for the presidency was unexpectedly effective, forced Clinton to fight on a second front.• Overall, the presidency of Gerald Ford was not a success.• Buckman needs 57 votes to retain the presidency of the company.• The railway companies soon turned their attention to the presidency cities of Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta.• He has passed the first three tests on the way to the presidency with room to spare.• No Republican has won the presidency without winning Ohio, for example.pres·i·den·cy nounChineseSyllable  of a position being the president Corpus the of




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