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单词 pre-set
释义  Related topics: Electricalpre-set /ˌpriː ˈset◂/ adjective [usually before noun]  TEEdecided or set at an earlier time 预调的,预设的 The heating automatically switches on and off at pre-set temperatures. 暖气根据预设温度自动开关。Examples from the Corpuspre-set• As the backswing progresses, the shoulders turn around the spine angle which is pre-set at the address position.• If the temperature continues to rise above a pre-set critical level the power source will be shut down completely.• Many of the expert demonstration teams use wrist straps with pre-set line lengths.• Perhaps they predicted her actions, a rat in a pre-set maze.• No longer does he have to follow pre-set movements.• Johnson Fry pays holders a pre-set quarterly income.• Independent funds tend to be closed ended, and have a pre-set strategy and investment size and duration.• Effectiveness, by contrast, is not about relative performance but about achieving pre-set targets or objectives.pre-set adjectiveChinese  time at earlier or Corpus decided set an




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