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单词 presbytery
释义  Related topics: Christianity, Buildingspres·by·ter·y /ˈprezbətəri $ -teri/ noun (plural presbyteries) [countable]  1. RRCa local court or council of the Presbyterian church or the area controlled by that church 〔长老会的〕教务评议会(管辖区)2. RRCa house in which a Roman Catholic priest lives 〔天主教的〕神父住宅3. RRCTBBthe eastern part of a church, behind the area where the choir (=singers) sits 〔教堂内的〕司祭席〔位于教堂东侧唱诗班席之后的神职人员座席〕Examples from the Corpuspresbytery• It says there has been difficulty in convincing both presbyteries and congregations of the need for financial planning for the future.• The local presbytery agreed, but 10 area churches challenged the decision.• In it the founders dissolved also their own presbytery and headed back for their model to the ideal primitive church.• Holding on to the railings, he moved down the passage between the church and the presbytery.• Canongate kirk session records; minutes of the presbytery of Cairston.• The presbytery met in private to discuss the report, and the alleged child abuse cases in South Ronaldsay.• The presbytery needed a cheerful touch, he had so often hinted at this.• The presbytery there was carried out with details from his hand.Origin presbytery (1400-1500) Old French presbiterie, from Late Latin presbyterium, from Greek, from presbyteros; → PRIESTpres·by·ter·y nounChineseSyllable  court council Corpus the local a or of




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