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单词 pre-eminent
释义  pre-em·i·nent, preeminent /priˈemɪnənt/ adjective  IMPORTANTmuch more important, more powerful, or better than any others of its kind 卓越的,杰出的,超群的 his pre-eminent position in society 他在社会上的显要地位 —pre-eminently adverb —pre-eminence noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuspre-eminent• In ArtNouveau the movement, the flow, the rhythm of a design became pre-eminent.• One of these was the forceful Bantam, pre-eminent among the fecund Marshend females.• The source of consensus was to be found in the division of labour, which was the pre-eminent fact of social solidarity.• The central nervous system appears to be the pre-eminent instrument that has been designed for this function in the course of evolution.• It concluded that international matches should be the pre-eminent parameter to fixture programming.• Art is not a race: there are pre-eminent writers and painters, but fashion has a certain hand in this.pre-em·i·nent adjectiveChineseSyllable  much powerful, important, than others more more or Corpus any better




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