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单词 predicative
释义  Related topics: Grammarpre·dic·a·tive /prɪˈdɪkətɪv $ ˈpredəkeɪ-/ adjective  SLG technical a predicative adjective or phrase comes after a verb, for example ‘happy’ in the sentence ‘She is happy’ 谓语性的,作表语的 —predicatively adverbExamples from the Corpuspredicative• It should be noted that the same is true of ordinary predicative adjectives - further evidence of their special similarity.• Parallel to the division of adjunct, we may divide sub-clauses into attributive clauses, predicative clauses and adverbial clauses.• Existence claims, after all, involve certain claims about concepts, and concepts are represented by predicative expressions.• In a sentential context, they are represented by syntactically incomplete predicative expressions.• The exclusion of associative adjectives from predicative position is an automatic result.• The structure will therefore match exactly what is achieved by the use of ordinary predicative position.pre·dic·a·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  after phrase a comes adjective or predicative Corpus




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