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单词 precipice
释义  Related topics: Nature, Geology, Geographypre·ci·pice /ˈpresɪpɪs/ noun [countable]  1  DNa very steep side of a high rock, mountain, or cliff 悬崖,峭壁 A loose rock tumbled over the precipice. 一块松动的岩石从悬崖上滚落下来。2  a dangerous situation in which something very bad could happen 危局,险境 The stock market is on the edge of a precipice. 股市岌岌可危。Examples from the Corpusprecipice• Above me, a precipice of unbroken rock.• Resting his weight on his bended knee, he was staring motionless over a precipice towards the lake.• Ruth wanted to reach out and pull him back, as if he were moving towards a precipice.• The howlers were skirting the scary precipice of extinction.• I was privately grateful that it was too dark to make out the edge of the precipice.• A single unwise maneuver would have sent Robinson and his skiff plunging over the precipice.Origin precipice (1500-1600) French Latin praecipitium, from praeceps “headfirst”, from caput “head”pre·ci·pice nounChineseSyllable  very a rock, or of high mountain, Corpus steep a side




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