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单词 prearranged
释义  pre·ar·ranged /ˌpriːəˈreɪndʒd◂/ adjective  PLANplanned or decided before 预先安排的,预定的 At a prearranged signal, everyone stood up. 一见到事先约定的信号,大家都站了起来。 —prearrangement noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusprearranged• For the latter the symbols apparently comprised a sort of prearranged code.• Once over, and dismounted, the three hundred of the assault party moved quickly into their prearranged positions.• At a prearranged site, Ben and his party met a friendly agent who had prospective recruits in tow.• There was speculation that the captives would be picked up by helicopter from a prearranged spot in the jungle.• He would tell me when some one wanted to run and delivered him or her to a prearranged spot.• The driver met us at the prearranged time.pre·ar·ranged adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus planned decided or before




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