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单词 practical
释义 Word family  noun practical practicalities practicality ≠ impracticality practicability ≠ impracticability adjective practicable ≠ impracticable practical ≠ impractical adverb practically ≠ impractically practicably ≠ impracticably  prac·ti·cal1 /ˈpræktɪkəl/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective  1  real 真实的REAL/NOT IMAGINARY relating to real situations and events rather than ideas, emotions etc 实践的,实际的 → theoretical Candidates should have training and practical experience in basic electronics. 应征者应该具备基础电子学方面的培训和实践经验。 the practical problems of old age 老年的实际问题 They provide financial and practical help for disabled students. 他们为残障学生提供经济上的援助以及实际的帮助。 a combination of theoretical and practical training 理论培训和实践培训的结合 They haven’t thought about the practical consequences of the new regulations. 他们没有考虑过新法规会产生什么实际后果。 In practical terms, this means spending more time with each student. 具体地说,这意味着花更多的时间和每个学生在一起。2  effective 有效的POSSIBLE practical plans, methods etc are likely to succeed or be effective in a situation 〔计划、方法等〕有效的,切实可行的 OPP impractical It doesn’t sound like a very practical solution. 这听上去不是一个十分可行的解决方法。 a practical way of achieving greater efficiency 达到更高效率的切实有效的方法 Unfortunately, there’s no practical alternative to driving. 遗憾的是,除了开车没有其他可行的方案。 a practical guide to buying and selling a house 房屋买卖的实用指南3  clear thinking 清晰的思维SENSIBLE a practical person is good at dealing with problems and making decisions based on what is possible and what will really work 〔人〕注重实际的,务实的 OPP impractical She’s a very practical person. 她是个很务实的人。 I was very shocked, but tried to be practical and think what to do. 我非常震惊,但我尽力让自己实际一点,想想该怎么办。4  suitable 合适的SUITABLE useful or suitable for a particular purpose or situation 切合实际的,实用的 OPP impractical Skirts aren’t very practical in my kind of work. 干我这种工作穿短裙不合适。5  using your hands 动手GOOD AT good at repairing or making things 心灵手巧的 I’m not very practical – I can’t even change a light bulb. 我动手能力不强,连灯泡都不会换。6  for/to all practical purposes ALMOSTused to say what the real effect of a situation is 实际上,事实上 The time you spend on it doesn’t, for all practical purposes, affect the final result. 你花在那上面的时间实际上对最终的结果并不起作用。7  practical certainty/disaster/sell-out etc ALMOSTsomething that is almost certain, almost a disaster etc 几乎确定无疑/是灾难/满座等 Sampras looks a practical certainty to win Wimbledon this year. 桑普拉斯打赢今年的温布尔登网球锦标赛看来是十拿九稳的。n COLLOCATIONSnounspractical experienceYou have to gain practical experience before you qualify as a solicitor.practical workArchaeology students are required to do a certain amount of practical work.practical problems/difficultiesThe local Social Services Department may be able to help with practical problems.practical help/support (also practical assistance formal)There will be trained people available to listen and to provide practical help.practical adviceThe booklets offer clear, practical advice on running your business.practical useKnowledge without understanding is of little practical use.practical considerationsThere are a number of practical considerations that must be taken into account when choosing a car.practical implicationsHe was well aware of the practical implications of his theory.phrasesin practical termsIn practical terms, the experiment is going to be difficult.Examples from the Corpuspractical• Liederman offers practical advice about coping with losing your job.• a type of floor covering that is simple, practical, and cheap• We have to be practical and not spend so much money.• At the same time, pupils are also exposed to one practical application of the microcomputer which will be relevant outside school.• There are practical assessments, orals and so on.• Modifications and additions will be needed to suit practical cases.• Voters make their choices based on practical considerations.• Automakers are trying to develop a practical electric car design.• The company specializes in making practical footwear for the leisure sports market.• This mapping is spiritual, but also practical, for people need to know the patterns of nature.• Babysitting coupons are a practical gift any parent will love.• He's really smart and really practical - he can fix anything.• Religion, combined with practical help, can be a powerful force in stabilizing a neighborhood and turning lives around.• You are often the first to join societies, to give practical help, to volunteer your practical skills all round.• Small economy cars are more practical if you live in the city.• Campbell considers himself a practical man.• Sometimes this shared understanding may lead to more practical solutions.• The consumption of ducks has increased in recent years, so it may be practical to define the various classes of ducks.In practical terms• I learnt a lot from this. In practical terms, no one can learn every orchestral instrument.practical guide• Feel free to use the cakes here as a source of inspiration as well as a practical guide.• For many it transformed the view of religion from a confused mystery into a practical guide for everyday life.• Birmingham Midshires has launched a debt counselling service in the form of a practical guide for home owners.• This is the how-to, practical guide that will help you avoid opportunistic detours and stay on track.• And a more detailed practical guide to involving users would have been good.• This is a practical guide to real-time programming, the programs provided having been tested and proved.• My colleagues on Fishkeeping Answers have produced a practical guide to tank safety in their November issue which is on sale now.• It's increasingly popular and this book's a practical guide to using the remedies.practical person• He is often a practical person.• She was, she believed, a practical person and a good friend.Related topics: College, Schoolpractical2 noun [countable]  British EnglishSECSESEXAM/TEST a lesson or examination in science, cooking etc in which you have to do or make something yourself rather than write or read about it 〔科学、烹饪等的〕实验[实践]课;实验[实践]考试 a chemistry practical 化学实验课► see thesaurus at testExamples from the Corpuspractical• We've got our chemistry practical tomorrow morning.• For example, in electronics practicals there used to be a large number of boys who'd done electronics at school.• The number of hours spent in lectures, tutorials or practicals varies for each individual.• We got on with the practicals while the staff held a meeting to discuss how to control the epidemic.Origin practical (1500-1600) Late Latin practicus, from Greek praktikos, from prassein “to do”prac·ti·cal1 adjective →n COLLOCATIONS1practical2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  real events to Corpus than relating rather and situations




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