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单词 powerful
释义 Word family  noun power superpower powerlessness empowerment adjective powerful ≠ powerless overpowering power powered verb power empower overpower adverb powerfully ≠ powerlessly overpoweringly  pow·er·ful /ˈpaʊəfəl $ ˈpaʊr-/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective  1  important 重要的POWER a powerful person, organization, group etc is able to control and influence events and other people’s actions 权力强大的,有势力的 → powerless He was one of the most powerful men in Bohemia. 他是波希米亚最有权势的人物之一。 a very influential and powerful family 很有权势的家庭 rich and powerful nations 富强的国家2  speech/film etc 演讲/电影等STRONG FEELING OR BELIEF having a strong effect on someone’s feelings or opinions 强有力的,有影响[感染]力的 a powerful speech 有感染力的演讲powerful reasons/arguments (=reasons that make you think that something must be true) 有说服力的理由/论证 Good teamwork is a powerful tool (=very effective method) for effective management. 良好的团队合作是有效管理的利器。3  feeling/effect 感情/效果 a powerful feeling or effect is very strong or great 〔感情〕强烈的;〔效果〕巨大的 Immigrants have had a powerful influence on the local culture. 外来移民对当地文化产生了巨大的影响。 a powerful sense of tradition 强烈的传统意识4  machine/weapon etc 机器/武器等EFFECTIVE a powerful machine, engine, weapon etc is very effective and can do a lot 〔机器、引擎、武器等〕功率大的,效能高的 a new generation of more powerful PCs 功能更强大的新一代个人电脑 a machine that is immensely powerful 功率巨大的机器 a powerful 24-valve engine 24阀的大功率引擎 a powerful telescope 高倍望远镜5  physically strong 强壮的,强健的STRONG FEELING OR BELIEF physically strong 身体强壮的 Jed was a powerful, well-built man. 杰德是个强壮结实的男人。 The females are smaller and less powerful than the males. 雌性体型比雄性小,力气也没有雄性大。► see thesaurus at strong6  a lot of force 很大的力量 a powerful blow, explosion etc has a lot of force 猛烈的,有力的 an explosion ten times more powerful than the Hiroshima bomb 比广岛原子弹威力大十倍的爆炸 a powerful right-foot shot on goal 有力的右脚射门 winds powerful enough to uproot trees 足以把树木连根拔起的狂风7. medicine 药MDEFFECT/INFLUENCE a powerful medicine or drug has a very strong effect on your body 〔药物〕强效的8  team/army etc 球队/军队等BEAT/DEFEAT a powerful team, army etc is very strong and can easily defeat other teams or armies 强大的 a powerful fighting force 强大的作战部队9  quality 性质STRONG TASTE OR SMELL very strong, bright, loud etc 浓烈的,强烈的;明亮的;响亮的 a powerful singing voice 嘹亮的歌喉 the powerful headlights 前灯射出的强烈光束 —powerfully adverb Christie is very powerfully built. 克里斯蒂体格非常健壮。 → all-powerful THESAURUSpowerful a powerful person, organization, group etc is able to control and influence events and other people’s actions 有势力的;权力强大的the world’s most powerful nation 世界第一强国Parliament had become more powerful than the King. 议会的权力已经大于国王。na powerful political familyinfluential having a lot of power to influence what happens, because people pay attention to what you say 有影响力的a highly influential fashion designer 一位极具影响力的时装设计师He’s one of the most influential figures in international politics. 他是国际政坛最具影响力的人物之一。strong powerful – used about people or groups in politics who have a lot of supporters 〔政治上〕强大的The communists were particularly strong in the big industrial cities. 共产党人在大型工业城市特别有影响力。nHe is a strong voice in the state assembly.dominant more powerful than other people, groups, countries etc 占支配地位的She was the dominant force in women’s tennis for many years. 多年来,她在女子网坛占据绝对地位。The company has a dominant position in the market. 这家公司在市场上占主导地位。Examples from the Corpuspowerful• Nigeria is the most powerful and populous nation in black Africa.• The hospital subsequently discovered that her death was the result of a massive overdose of a powerful anticancer drug.• John held her in his powerful arms.• a powerful bomb• The recent dramatic growth of urban areas has been one powerful catalyst for change.• a powerful civil rights group• I was impressed with Dinsmore's powerful command of language.• He had gone for ever, to be replaced by the man she had really married, the ambitious and powerful Damian Flint.• Ammonia has a very powerful, distinctive smell.• Jealousy is a very powerful emotion.• The difficulty was partly political; the favoured regions, London notably, had powerful friends in the major teaching hospitals.• In many ways the most powerful impetus to greater concentrations came from the state.• Tyson landed a powerful left hook on Doulgas' chin.• Berlusconi was the owner of a powerful media empire.• Looking around the modern world, she was not encouraged; powerful men are often childless.• one of the most powerful men in US politics• Ten of the world's most powerful men met to discuss trade barriers.• The Steelers' powerful offense has scored over 25 points a game.• He was a tall man with a powerful physique.• But even notoriously conservative newspaper publishers recognize that the Web is a radical and powerful publishing medium.• There was a powerful smell coming from the laundry basket.• The powerful smell of cabbage, sardines, and body odor filled the train.• a powerful story of love and forgiveness.• The drug is a thousand times more powerful than LSD.• Parliament had become more powerful than the King.• This Civic is more powerful than the last model.• Her desire to hit him was so powerful that she had to force herself to leave the room at once.• MultiGen, meantime, has been made more powerful through a number of virtual reality options.powerful reasons/arguments• Despite these powerful arguments against mutual funds, there are still reasons why it makes sense for ordinary investors to own them.• It is a debate of daunting complexity, with powerful arguments both for and against joining.• There are, in fact, other powerful reasons for making jojoba a universal substitute for whale oil.• These were certainly powerful arguments for sending the coach back, but they did not prevail.• On the other hand, there are powerful arguments for tackling the problem.• While those are powerful arguments, more speed, extra refinement and sharper handling would put it right on the pace.• Both sides have powerful reasons to hold fast to their traditional positions.• Those are two powerful reasons why every text-based and still-picture-based interactive experiment like videotext has failed in the past.powerful influence• In the coming millennium, Dahl predicted, new telecommunications technology will exert a powerful influence for change on the democratic process.• The Evangelicals have become a powerful influence in the land and this lays them open to the wooing of politicians.• At every stage in the communication process we can detect the powerful influence of culture.• Peer pressure among journalists also can have a powerful influence on improving performance.• Children think in black and white, good and bad, and the comic has a powerful influence on shaping attitudes.• In naturally occurring decision environments, interactions between situational demands and self-referent factors can exert a powerful influence on the decision-making process.• Room temperature exerted a powerful influence on the going rate of any timekeeper.• The financial markets are themselves an immensely powerful influence which we can never afford to ignore.immensely powerful• But the controls are complex because the machine is immensely powerful.• He was about 5 foot 10 inches tall but immensely powerful.• Taken together, the new biotechnologies and the pending scientific insights will be immensely powerful.• Jack was never flurried, his cool, unruffled play was a hallmark of his game, along with some immensely powerful clearances.• Sometimes I would feel immensely powerful, feel that I, single-handedly, might change the course of Woolf scholarship.• The Savoyards also made Turin an immensely powerful fortress.• The financial markets are themselves an immensely powerful influence which we can never afford to ignore.• But there still remained immensely powerful ministers who led the fight for increased public investment and spending measures to cut unemployment.pow·er·ful adjective →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  organization, a to control Corpus powerful is person, able etc group




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