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单词 pour
释义  Related topics: Naturepour /pɔː $ pɔːr/ ●●● S2 W3 verb  1  liquid 液体 [transitive]POUR to make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angle 灌,注,倒 She poured coffee for everyone. 她为每个人都倒了咖啡。pour something into/out/down etc (something) Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat. 把油倒入煎锅内加热。pour something away (=get rid of something) 倒掉某物 The wine was so bad I just poured it away. 那酒太糟糕,我索性把它倒了。pour somebody something Why don’t you pour yourself another drink? 你怎么不给自己再倒杯酒呢? →5  See picture of POUR 倒 →4  See picture of 见图 pour2  liquid/smoke 液体/烟 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]POUR if a lot of liquid or smoke pours out, it comes out from somewhere in very large amounts 喷吐,倾泻,大量涌出pour from/down/out Smoke was pouring out of the upstairs windows. 烟从楼上的窗户里滚滚冒出。 Blood was pouring from his nose. 血从他的鼻子里涌出来。3 5RAIN 雨 RAIN 雨it pours 5 (also 又作 pour down )to rain heavily without stopping 〔雨〕倾盆而下 It’s pouring now. 现在下着瓢泼大雨。 It poured all night. 倾盆大雨下了一整夜。it’s pouring with rain/it poured with rain British English It was pouring down with rain at three o'clock. 3 点钟的时候下着滂沱大雨。4  people or things 人或物 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO if a lot of people or things pour into or out of a place, a lot of them arrive or leave at the same time 涌进;涌出pour into/out of/from etc The crowds began pouring out of the stadium. 人群开始从体育场里不断涌出。 Offers of help poured in from all over the country. 全国各地纷纷伸出援助之手。5  light 光 [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]GO if light is pouring into or out of a place, a lot of light is coming in or out 倾泻pour into/out of Light was pouring into the courtyard. 光洒进庭院。6. pour cold water over/on something CRITICIZEto criticize someone’s plan, idea, or desire to do something so much that they no longer feel excited about it 对某事泼冷水7. pour scorn on somebody/something MAKE FUN OFto say that something or someone is stupid and not worth considering 鄙夷地谈论某人/某事物,对某人/某事物嗤之以鼻8. pour oil on troubled waters ARGUEto try to stop a quarrel, for example by talking to people and making them calmer 平息风波,调解争端,息事宁人9  pour it on a) to behave or talk in a particular way in order to make people like you or feel sorry for you 〔为获得好感或同情而〕装腔作势,极力渲染 b) American English informal to try very hard in order to do something, especially in order to win a game 全力以赴〔尤为了打赢比赛〕 The Raiders really poured it on in the second quarter. 突袭者队在第二节中打得非常卖力。10. pour on the charm to behave in a very nice and polite way, in order to make someone like you 表现得非常讨人喜欢11 pour something into something phrasal verb if people pour money into something, they provide a lot of money for it over a period of time, in order to make it successful 大量投入〔金钱〕于〔某事物〕 They’ve poured thousands of pounds into developing the business. 他们已经投入几千英镑开发这项业务。12 pour something ↔ out phrasal verb TELLif you pour out your thoughts, feelings etc, you tell someone all about them, especially because you feel very unhappy 倾吐,倾诉,尽情地诉说 She poured out all her troubles to him. 她向他倾诉自己所有的烦恼。pour out your heart/soul (=tell someone all your feelings, including your most secret ones) 倾诉心里话n THESAURUSpour to make a liquid or other substance flow out of or into a container by holding it at an angleJessica was pouring more wine into her glass.He poured me a drink.Raj poured some water from the jug.drizzle to pour a liquid onto food in small drops or in a small stream – often used in cooking instructionsDrizzle a little olive oil onto the bread.Drizzle the lemon juice over the cake.tip to pour something out of a container by turning it upside downHe tipped the cup of milk into the pan.She weighed out the flour and tipped it into the bowl.spill to accidentally make a liquid or other substance come out of a containerSomeone had spilled coffee all over the carpet.The tanker was leaking, and spilled oil into the sea.splash to pour a liquid quickly in an irregular streamTony hurriedly splashed some cream in his coffee.Someone had splashed petrol over the steps and set light to them.She splashed some perfume onto her wrists.decant to pour liquid from one container into another container – a rather formal useRachel decanted the shampoo into small bottles for travelling.He often decanted cheap whisky into bottles of more expensive brands.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspour• In recent years he had come to feel that he was pouring all his energies into a lost cause.• By the end of 1995 foreign money was pouring back into most of the countries it had hastily fled.• The rebels fought like demons, and under cover of the dense underbrush poured deadly volleys upon us.• Sweat poured down his face.• Lava from the volcano is pouring down the mountain towards the town.• Gradually pour in the sherry and the stock.• For months, she and Tom had written all those letters, poured out all that love.• Water was pouring out of the release gates on the dam.• Would you pour out the tea?• Stir this into the fromagefrais and pour over the still-hot potatoes in their serving dish.• She opened the wine and poured some into the glass.• She poured some milk into a glass.• Pour the garlic sauce over the hot chicken pieces.• You hold the cup and I'll pour the juice.• Dan picked up the bucket and poured the sand out of it.• To serve, pour the tomato sauce over the veal and sprinkle with parsley.• Rain poured through the open window, waking me again an hour later.pour ... drink• As he was waiting for the barmaid to pour the drinks, Dexter could not resist temptation.• Go and pour yourself a drink, love - you look whacked.• It was claimed that they poured their drinks over the counter and then smashed their beer glasses.• This reminds me of a problem that has been troubling Mycroft. Pour me a drink, Watson.pour from/down/out• Above him, wheat poured from a long pipe-on-wheels into the back of a grain truck.• It was absolutely pouring down as though some one up top was emptying buckets.• Carcinoma, methadone, diabetes, depression, miscarriage and angina have poured down as unremittingly as the weather.• And movement was beginning to pour from him more organically than it had in Los Angeles.• The sweat was pouring from him when the ultimate moment arrived.• There I was, falling through the air, blood pouring from my temple, coming to rest on the snow.• He was nearly deafened by the music that came pouring out of the telephone.• Smoke poured out of the upstairs windows.• Flames were pouring from the house.pour into/out of/from etc• Ferns poured out of a window; scurvy grass lay rotting by the wail.• The mirth poured out of him.• While mournful music poured out from loudspeakers, Jean-Claude hummed.• Half way up, the stream poured out from some hidden source and fell in a silver smoke down to a pool.• Aftershocks poured out of Sylmar and headed toward Northridge.• The blood poured out from the gash while he groaned and begged for water.• In the evening the flocks poured out of the ravines.• Contracts for rifles, wagons, uniforms, boots, corn, ammunition, artillery, and ships poured out of Washington.pour into/out of• Ferns poured out of a window; scurvy grass lay rotting by the wail.• The mirth poured out of him.• The sweat was still pouring out of me, and my shorts and singlet were soaked.• Aftershocks poured out of Sylmar and headed toward Northridge.• His blond hair pours out of the back of his helmet and cascades half way down his back.• In the evening the flocks poured out of the ravines.• He was nearly deafened by the music that came pouring out of the telephone.• Contracts for rifles, wagons, uniforms, boots, corn, ammunition, artillery, and ships poured out of Washington.Origin pour (1200-1300) Perhaps from French dialect purer, from Latin purus; → PUREpour verb →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  a other liquid Corpus make to or




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