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单词 pot luck
释义  ˌpot ˈluck British English, potluck American English /ˌpɒtˈlʌk◂ $ ˌpɑːt-/ noun  1  take pot luck a) CHOOSEto choose something without knowing very much about it, and hope that it will be what you want 碰运气 We hadn’t booked a hotel so we had to take pot luck. 我们没有预订酒店,所以只能碰运气。 b) EATto have a meal at someone’s home in which you eat whatever they have available, rather than food which has been specially bought for the occasion 〔在某人家里〕有什么吃什么 I’m not sure what there is in the fridge – you’ll have to take pot luck. 我不清楚冰箱里有什么——你只能有什么吃什么。2  [countable] American English a meal in which everyone who is invited brings something to eat 〔参加者各带食物拼成的〕百乐餐n Can you bring a salad? It’s a potluck.potluck meal/dinner etc a potluck supper at the church 在教堂举办的百乐晚餐Examples from the Corpuspot luck• Before farmers had to take pot luck over whether their ewes were pregnant.ˌpot ˈluck nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  choose something Corpus much knowing to very without




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