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单词 post-traumatic stress disorder
释义  Related topics: Illness & disability, Psychology, psychiatryˌpost-traumatic ˈstress disˌorder noun [uncountable]  medicalMI (abbreviation PTSD) a mental illness which can develop after a very bad experience such as a plane crash 创伤后应激障碍〔遭遇飞机失事等创伤性事件后患上的精神疾病〕Examples from the Corpuspost-traumatic stress disorder• All maintain they have never recovered from the incident and suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.• Under the standard criteria, the children did not qualify for a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder.• During cross-examination by Abramson, Dietz agreed that that condition shares symptoms with post-traumatic stress disorder.ˌpost-traumatic ˈstress disˌorder nounChineseSyllable  after develop a a can illness Corpus which mental




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