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单词 possession
释义  Related topics: Crime, Sport, Governmentpos·ses·sion /pəˈzeʃən/ ●●○ W3 noun  1  having STH 拥有某物 [uncountable] formalHAVEOWN if something is in your possession, you own it, or you have obtained it from somewhere 拥有,持有,占有in somebody’s possession The house has been in the family’s possession since the 1500s. 这所房子自16世纪以来一直为这个家族所有。 That information is not in our possession. 那则信息不归我们所有。in possession of something She was found in possession of stolen goods. 她被发现窝赃。 How did the painting come into your possession (=how did you get it)? 这幅画是怎么到你手上的? The finance company now has possession of the house. 这家金融公司目前拥有这所房子。 We didn’t take possession of (=get and start using) the car until a few days after the auction. 拍卖会过后几天我们才正式拿到那辆车。2  STH you own 个人拥有的东西 [countable usually plural]OWN something that you own or have with you at a particular time 所有物;财产,财物 SYN belongings He had sold all his possessions and left the country. 他变卖所有财产后离境了。 I packed my remaining possessions into the trunk. 我把剩下的物品装进行李箱里。treasured/prized/precious possession (=one that is very important to you) 珍贵的财产 This old violin had been her father’s most treasured possession. 这把旧小提琴一直都是她父亲最珍贵的财产。 Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions. 犯人们不得持有私人物品。3  crime 罪行 [uncountable] lawSCC the crime of having illegal drugs or weapons with you or in your home 〔毒品或非法武器的〕私藏,持有possession of He was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine. 他被逮捕并被控持有可卡因。4  sport 体育运动 [uncountable]DSDS when a person or team has control of the ball in some sports 〔一些体育运动中的〕控球win/lose/gain etc possession Pittsburgh got possession and scored. 匹兹堡队控球并得分。5  country 国家 [countable usually plural]PG a country controlled or governed by another country 领地,属地,殖民地 France’s former colonial possessions 法国过去的殖民地6  evil spirits 魔鬼 [uncountable]RO a situation in which someone’s mind is being controlled by something evil 鬼魂附体,着魔 Was it a case of demonic possession? 那算不算鬼魂附体?7. in (full) possession of your faculties/senses SCLable to think in a clear and intelligent way, and not crazy or affected by old age 神志[头脑](完全)清醒8. possession is nine-tenths of the law used to say that if you have something, you are likely to be able to keep it, even if it is not yours 现实占有,败一胜九〔指现实占有者总占上风〕n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: if something is in your possession, you own it, or you have obtained it from somewherephrasesbe in somebody's possessionThe painting has been in the family's possession since then.come into somebody's possessionYou have a duty not to disclose confidential information that comes into your in possession of something (=have it)Before applying for a job, make sure you are in possession of the required qualifications.have something in your possession (=have it)My father had in his possession a letter written by Winston Churchill.come into possession of something (=start having it)How did you come into possession of this document?take possession of something (=start having or using it)At 21, he was entitled to take possession of the property.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: something that you own or have with you at a particular timeadjectivessomebody's personal possessionsWe were told that we could take only a few personal possessions with us.somebody's worldly possessions literary (=everything they own)Over his shoulder hung a bag which contained all his worldly possessions.material possessions (=things you own, rather than personal qualities, relationships etc)Many of them have lost all their material possessions as a result of the civil war.a precious possession (=one that is valuable or important to you)A man was salvaging a few precious possessions from the rubble of a bombed house.a prized/treasured possession (=one that is very important to you)One of my most treasured possessions is a small book of prayers.Examples from the Corpuspossession• Kortz was charged with theft and possession of stolen property.• During their discussions, both had spoken of marriages that were held together first by children, and then by possessions.• He had no drugs in his possession.• He pleaded guilty in May to driving without license, marijuana possession and two parking tickets.• On its next possession, Southern Utah turned the ball over on a pass out of bounds.• Society without jealousy, greed, or possessions.• Britain's former overseas possessions• A small, terrified child clutching a satchel with both arms as though it were her most prized possession.• They lost their home and all their possessions in the storm.• In poor countries, children are the only way a family can increase their possessions.take possession of• I reminded him about the putter and took possession of it in the car park.• The crawling and wriggling carcasses had been the innocent victims of the chaos taking possession of their world.• At the end of April Gloucester took possession of the young king.• He had taken possession of the castle by force.• Whether or not a person has taken possession of land is a question of fact depending on all the particular circumstances.• It is said that other Presidents without congressional authority have taken possession of private business enterprises in order to settle labor disputes.• Immediately, however, a deadly languor took possession of her and she fell into a heavy sleep.• They added up to the idea that he resented anyone placing a cross and trying to take possession of his territory.personal possessions• Water penetrated the two cabins, ran down the sides, gathered in pools, speckled droplets on clothing and personal possessions.• You can extend it to cover any personal possessions that cost over £1,000 each or £3,500 in total.• He is one of the few people I have ever met who has never been either inflated or deflated by personal possessions.• Another reason for some optimism is the increase in personal possessions with which people enter the third age.• She used the weekend of the Windsor Castle blaze to remove what little personal possessions she had left.• Losses of personal possessions, money and items of kit inevitably took place at these spots.• Other personal possessions include a £2,500 horse and a £25,000 Morgan car.• Also there is the insurance to consider of your personal possessions and the contents of your home.charged with possession• He was taken straight to West Drayton police station and charged with possession of drugs.• They're all in the nick. charged with possession.• Another passenger, Damon D.. Stewart, 24, also of Hampton, was charged with possession of marijuana.• One was charged with possession of crack cocaine, another with possession of etc possession• The match was finally settled two minutes into extra time when St Albans won possession in defence and broke quickly.• The company also helps clients estimate, from memory, the value of lost possessions.• Mason had blocked a layup attempt by Andre Miller with 16 seconds to play, setting up Seattle's winning possession.• Rumour had it that Gaunt had poisoned his sister-in-law in order to gain possession of the whole of the inheritance.• They will try to gain possession of the last piece of ground we possess.• If you don't score you lose possession.• Now after the changes if you do that and don't produce the ball then you lose possession.colonial possessions• A Zoological Society was founded in London in 1826 to act as a showcase for Britain's colonial possessions.From Longman Business Dictionarypossessionpos‧ses‧sion /pəˈzeʃən/ noun1[countable] something that someone ownsIt’s vital to insure your possessions for the journey to your new home.2[uncountable] the state of having or owning somethingWhat happens if the buyer has possession of a work, but has not completely paid for it when it is stolen?The creditors will take possession of assets worth the $85 million owed to them.The company refused to relinquish possession of the 68-bed hospital. → freehold possession → immediate possession → leasehold possession → private possession → quiet possession → vacant possession3[uncountable]LAW the crime of having illegal drugs or a gun when it is illegal to do soHe was sentenced to 16 months in prison for cocaine possession.pos·ses·sion noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  your is Business in Corpus something own possession, you if




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