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单词 however
释义  how·ev·er1 /haʊˈevə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W1 adverb  1  BUTused when you are adding a fact or piece of information that seems surprising, or seems very different from what you have just said 然而,不过,但是 SYN nevertheless This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers. 这是个花钱少而又简单的方法,不过有危险。 an extremely unpleasant disease that is, however, easy to treat 一种让人极其难受却容易治疗的病2  NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETCused to say that it does not matter how big, good, serious etc something is because it will not change a situation in any way 无论多大[好,严重等] SYN no matter how You should report any incident, however minor it is. 任何事件你都应该汇报,不管它多小。 We have to finish, however long it takes. 我们必须完成,不管需要多长时间。however much/many I really want the car, however much it costs. 我真的很想要这辆汽车,不管它要多少钱。3  WAY/MANNER especially British English used to show surprise when you ask how something happens or how someone does something (到底)如何?〔表示惊讶〕 However did he get that job? 他到底是怎样得到那份工作的?Examples from the Corpushowever• Most insurers cover routine tests for older women, however.• That all changed with Clinton, however.• Perhaps tonight's events would, however, at least until the Society's suspicions had been allayed.• Interestingly, however, clerical workers show least sociability in this respect.• My goodness, this room is so interesting. However did you think to decorate it in purple and green?• I could never watch any movie more than once, however good it is.• At the time, however, I feared poison gas.• The reality, however, is that the Institute has had considerable influence in knocking the rough edges off legislation and practice.• Cotton production was on the increase. However, it was still a small industry compared to hemp and canvas production.• However much I try, I just don't understand him at all.• Each one of us, however old or however young, is a valuable member of society.• Wyman stressed, however, that the main function of this church is to serve the needs of the poor.• In another sense, however, the approaches stand alongside each other.• Her story, however, will overwhelm adults and mesmerize kids.however much/many• The ruler line counts characters in 10s however many characters per inch your printer can produce.• Because, however much his words might deny that he cared for her, his actions spoke differently.• I could not then, however much I wanted to, walk away from it.• And however much men seem to be involved in the movie versions, women are the ones doing it.• History runs through Turner's art, however much Ruskin ignored it.• It's no easy task when a baby's almost died on her however many times.• John Lee Hooker won't be with us for ever, however much we'd like him to be.• You've lost a close friend and however much you anticipated this, you can never be fully prepared for a bereavement.however2 ●●● S2 W3 conjunction  NO MATTER WHAT/HOW MUCH ETCin whatever way 不管怎样,无论如何 You can do it however you like. 你可以按自己的意思去做。 If we win the match, we’ll be delighted, however it happens. 如果我们能赢下这场比赛,不管怎么赢的我们都会高兴。 However you look at it, it was a wicked thing to do. 不管你怎么看待这件事情,它都是一件缺德的事。► see thesaurus at butExamples from the Corpushowever• You guys can split up the driving however you·ev·er1 adverbhowever2 conjunctionChineseSyllable  you adding are or piece a Corpus used fact when of




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