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单词 pose
释义  Related topics: Visual, Photographypose1 /pəʊz $ poʊz/ ●●○ W3 AWL verb  1  CAUSEcause problem 引起问题 [transitive] to exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc 造成,引起,产生 〔问题、危险、困难等〕pose a threat/danger/risk Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat. 官员们称这种化学物质不会构成实际的威胁。pose something to/for somebody/something The events pose a challenge to the church’s leadership. 这些事件对教会的领导地位构成了威胁。 Rising unemployment is posing serious problems for the administration. 失业率上升正在给政府造成严重的问题。2  picture 图片 [intransitive]AVTCP to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be photographed or painted, or to make someone do this 〔为照相或画像而〕(使)摆好姿势pose for We posed for photographs. 我们摆好姿势准备拍照。3  pose a question ASK A QUESTIONto ask a question, especially one that needs to be carefully thought about 提出问题〔尤指需要仔细考虑的问题〕 In her book she poses the question ‘How much do we need to be happy?’. 她在书里提出了这样一个问题﹕“我们要拥有多少才能快乐?”4  pose as somebody PRETENDto pretend to be someone else, in order to deceive people 冒充某人 Bryce was caught posing as a lawyer. 布赖斯冒充律师被人识破。5. to impress people 为引起人们注意 [intransitive]SHOW OFF to dress or behave like a rich and fashionable person in order to make other people notice you or admire you 〔衣着或行为〕招摇;装腔作势n COLLOCATIONSnounspose a threat/danger/riskThe chemical leak poses a threat to human health.pose a problemA flood of refugees could pose a serious problem for neighbouring countries.pose difficultiesPhysical education and games pose difficulties for short-sighted children.pose a challengeThe material being taught must pose a challenge to pupils.pose a dilemma (=cause a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do)In the future, the possibility of genetic testing on unborn children will pose a dilemma for parents.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspose• These are not tremendously forceful answers to the thorny questions posed.• The discrepancies between these different analyses pose a number of problems.• Moving away from the camera, Alvin posed beside Rose Garden tubeworms, providing unarguable proof of dimension.• In answer to a question posed by a congressman.• Winning meant standing on a podium, smiling for cameras and posing for pictures.• In the end, however, these drugs pose logistical difficulties for most poor countries because it is a high-maintenance therapy.• Ordering and analysing the output of the mass media obviously pose particular problems.posing ... problems• It is introducing more of the latter which is posing the biggest problems.• It occupied him without posing intractable problems.• In structuralist theory the language of criticism ends up posing as many problems as the language of literature.• Questions like these dealing with real people with real motives and posing problems, can slowly help to develop understanding.• Persistent truants, those truanting for weeks at a time, were seen as posing intractable problems for schools.pose for• A group of fans wanted Romano to pose for pictures.Related topics: Visual, Photographypose2 AWL noun [countable]  1  AVTCPthe position in which someone stands or sits, especially in a painting, photograph etc 〔尤指为画像、拍照等而摆的〕姿势,姿态in a pose a painting of the Duchess in a dramatic pose 公爵夫人姿势夸张的画像 Ann struck a pose (=stood or sat in a particular position) and smiled for the camera. 安摆好姿势露出笑脸准备拍照。2  SHOW OFFbehaviour in which someone pretends to have a quality or social position they do not really have, usually in order to make other people notice them or admire them 做作;装腔作势的举止 Her confidence was merely a pose to hide her uncertainty. 她的自信完全是装出来的,为了掩饰她没有把握。Examples from the Corpuspose• Not all poses are suitable for everyone.• On her travels she's there with a goofy grin and a different pose for every occasion.• She was not a looker, but her Hard Number pose turned him on somehow.• But the odds are that even those women who appear impermeable to pain are suffering great hurt behind their face-saving pose.• Rather than pose it as a question of culture, however, they tackled it - often very productively - in terms of ideology.• Try to experience the pose while you draw it.• He shed the pose of the sophisticated lawyer and became his real self at last.struck a pose• The blonde struck a pose and fixed a tight smile on her immaculately made-up face.• Lyn struck a pose with her head to one side.Origin pose1 (1300-1400) Old French poser, from Late Latin pausare “to stop, rest”, from Latin pausa; → PAUSE2pose1 verb →n COLLOCATIONS1pose2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  way Corpus in to that may a exist




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